Jun 30, 2010 02:00
- 09:34 'FOSS Patents: Who lost Bilski vs. Kappos besides Bilski & Warsaw? Ten answers' is.gd/d8P6N Good summary. #
- 10:00 @ LinuxScribe I don't think it goes that far, but he goes farther than I would. Still, I liked it as a summary. #
- 10:09 @ estherschindler That is one kissy pug! #
- 10:21 Apple iPhone 4 Reception Problems a Lesson in Antenna Design is.gd/d8RoB Interesting analysis. #
- 10:24 Eight things to look forward to in Windows 8 is.gd/d8Rzj Well, you can't say MS is over-promising this time... #
- 10:44 'Yolink: A Shout Out For a Search API - Semantic Web' is.gd/d8Sum #
- 10:45 RT @bakercom1: Predictive Analytics Goes to School tinyurl.com/26ukj2t The science behind credit reports get a degree program. #
- 11:02 RT @linux_at_ibm: New to Linux development or admin? Check out bit.ly/9LbNZu for a good starting point #
- 11:07 Does Convenience Trump Fear of the Cloud by @ron_miller on Novell Cloud Formations. bit.ly/9hNcSq Me: Good question. #
- 11:11 Sarbanes-Oxley on the ropes or business as usual? bit.ly/bnIB7S Unfortunately despite the initial euphoria, it's SOX as usual. #
- 11:14 RT @BarbaraKrasnoff: I took a look at the new Kindle app for Android. It's okay. But not special. ow.ly/24K6Z #
- 11:23 @ LinuxScribe I don't know, serious lawyers and doctors are the only people I know who work more hours than we do. #
- 11:24 RT @MitchWagner: Google surrenders to Chinese censorship demands ow.ly/24Knb #Google Grrr... #
- 11:29 @ LinuxScribe Some do. Others... it's actually a lousy--comparatively speaking--time to be a newly minted lawyer. #
- 12:51 RT @glynmoody: Mozilla Posts Firefox 4.0 Beta 1 - bit.ly/bpgFwc #
- 12:59 @ sharonglassman Eep. Hope's al turns outl well. #
- 14:28 RT @ron_miller: Sarbanes Oxley takes minor hit in Supreme Court ruling. bit.ly/9XJQ0p #
- 15:16 RT @bakercom1: IT can't control information flow forever bit.ly/cH5K3P #
- 15:18 @ estherschindler I'd say high-maintenance anyone in the creative fields tend to produce poorer quality work. #
- 15:19 RT @MichaelSinger: No, Facebook Will <i>Not</i> Bring World Peace www.internetevolution.com/author.asp?section_id=466&doc_id=193695 #
- 15:23 RT @MichaelSinger: Introducing Hulu Plus... anyone else hear that giant sucking sound headed for your bank account? bit.ly/bsdOKy #
- 15:43 @ IDGagne Ten (10!) Twitter accounts!? My eyes! My eyes!. I'm still happy with Twitterfall twitterfall.com/ 4 my one (1) account. #
- 15:49 RT @lynngr: RT @globeandmail: Thirsty gerbil simile wins 2010 bad writing contest: tgam.ca/80l #
- 16:44 iPhone vs. Android: Five points of difference bit.ly/cpNqv9 Neither is 'better,' it's what each brings to the table. #iPhone #Android #
- 18:02 The Cold War just got hotter. Deep undercover with a sexy Russian spy is.gd/d9eTi All this & Facebook too. #
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