(no subject)

Jun 19, 2010 00:00

  • 11:06 Why are you still running Windows XP SP2!?: digg.com/d31UJc9?t It's running out of support in a few weeks. @DIgg #
  • 12:10 Terry Pratchett enters parallel worlds of science fiction is.gd/cUksE Pratchett is starting a SF series, But, Discworld continues. #
  • 12:16 @ davidjoachim Can the president turn off the Internet? In a word, "No." #
  • 12:31 @ glynmoody Nah, there's no OS/2 revival in the works. I've talked to most of the old OS/2 crew a few months back. #
  • 12:44 RT @IDGagne: Should I update my 15 @WordPress blogs to v3.0? Read my review at @Computerworld bit.ly/bmI7l4 #
  • 13:05 RT @MitchWagner: The monster of maintaining multiple Google accounts ow.ly/20mrU Me: It's true, it's true. #
  • 13:10 @ MitchWagner Count me as one of them. Keeping my multiple Google accounts straight is a major PITA. #
  • 16:38 @ MitchWagner @gerogevhulme Any reader-vote approach system can be gamed. This is endlessly discussed in Digg & Reddit forums. #
  • 16:57 @ cwolicki Woof! A paw waves in the air. #
  • 17:10 Today's music to 'try' to write by is by Eva Cassidy evacassidy.org/eva/ I had the pleasure of seeing her before her untimely death. #
  • 17:15 @ opensourcerer Everyone, and not just England, seems to be more afraid of losing than they are determined to win. #
  • 17:32 Happy dance. I've fixed a fouled-up WordPress 3.0 install on my main WordPress server. #
  • 19:14 RT @GeorgeVHulme: Why Aren't Health Organizations Embracing Cloud Storage? bit.ly/aVYA4b #
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