Toasties : A Very Dutch Thing

Jan 10, 2014 20:25

As the English are to tea, so are the Dutch to toasties. Toasties are a staple on café menus (though ham 'n' cheese is about as exciting as it gets) and most households have their own well-used toasted sandwich maker. Most, but not ours, so I decided to buy Wingnut one for his birthday. A pretty boring present, even though he's Dutch, right?

Wrong. I'd forgotten he's Dutch AND had been deprived of a toasted sandwich maker during all his long sojourn in foreign lands.

He was very happy. So happy, it was immediately produced for the Dutch lunch guests, who found in it a topic of conversation to last almost the entire meal.

Granted, its ugliness is something to talk about, once you've caught your breath. It's big, black and so clunkily space-age that a countdown from 10 could send it blasting off to the moon. But the Consumentenbond recommended it as its best buy, so that's what I bought.

At the table, I learned that the metal plates on the inside can either be shell-shaped or shaped so the toastie is cut into two triangles. Sudden panic: had I bought the wrong kind?! But apparently, there is no consensus. They can argue this one 'til the cows come home.

I also learned that the non-stick surface is holy, at least to Wingnut... Ent moved to prise a toastie loose with his knife and the LOOK Wingnut gave him almost felled him on the spot. Even though Wingnut knows full well that Ent respects non-stick surfaces as much as he does. :D

As a last thing, have you ever tried to persuade a Dutch child that it's possible to put something other than ham and/or cheese on a toastie? Don't even go there. Climb Everest instead, it's easier.

netherlands, food

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