Dutch Wildlife

Aug 20, 2012 16:17

That's not a reference to clubbing or anything, I'm just excited about the fact that, after six weeks in the Netherlands, I've seen my first squirrel! Not one of the big greys which are overrunning London, but a little red one that shot out in front of my bike and then up a tree.

Also, bats! When it was nice and cool in the garden on Saturday, we lay on our backs and watched the bats zipping back and forth across the field at the bottom of the garden. There were a lot of squeaks from the bats' prey. Short ones.

The field is full of calves and they come when Wingnut's mum calls them. Then they stare at us in a disconcerting fashion. Quite creepy, actually.

Further, it seems I'm having regular auditory hallucinations at 6:15am because the rooster I complained about has never been heard by the people who live here. Guess I should hallucinate it a snooze button then.

However, she did confirm that the thundering noise of feet over the roof belonged to the magpies. I'd no idea they could be so noisy, they look skinnier than the NZ ones. Mice are nothing to it.

animals, netherlands

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