Baking Blitz

Mar 14, 2012 14:01

After weeks of no baking, it's time to heat up the oven again! Top three from the last weekend.

It was my first time making Dutch raisin buns. They're a bit of a faff to make -- washing raisins and letting them dry for two days, kneading the dough, letting it rest, kneading it, letting it rest. So, I was very pleased that they had the authentic taste of proper krentenbollen even if they looked pretty messy with raisins sticking out all over. 400g of raisins to 400g of flour is a lot of raisins!

Cheesy flapjacks have become a favourite around here. The recipe stands up well to experimentation, also known as, "I'm running out of cheddar, rosemary, Italian herb seasoning, what else can I throw in?" Many things as it turns out, as long as it's cheesy and herby, it's all good.

Lemon and poppy seed muffins with yoghurt are an old favourite which never fail. Except I failed to find the recipe last Saturday, so had to use another. Should've checked my own blog! Anyway, this is a most satisfying recipe to make. Whisking the flour and poppy seed in one bowl gives a really pretty result and the other bowl with the wet ingredients smells wonderfully lemony, as indeed does the whole mixture.

The new recipe suggested sour cream instead of yoghurt, don't know if anyone's tried that, might give it a go next time.

Does anyone have suggestions for next weekend?

netherlands, food

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