Help Haiti

Jan 15, 2010 17:19

News of major earthquakes can make me twitch a little. Though a 7 pointer could never do to Wellington what it did to Port-au-Prince. Poor bastards.

So, herewith a list of charities for your consideration:

UK - The Disasters Emergency Committee is an umbrella organisation with 13 members. Also Médecins Sans Frontières, who are my pick, but go with whatever's good for you.

NL - Another umbrella organisation: Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties on the usual giro 555. Plus Artsen zonder grenzen.

NZ - list of charities.

FR - list of charities and their bank account details as their web pages are overloading.

The other thing that's gotten to me about this is finding out some of the reasons why Haiti is so poor. E.g., having won their independence from France, the ex-slaves of Haiti were forced to pay reparations until 1947! Let's hope Haiti stays on the agenda after this, because they're owed.

current affairs, charity

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