An update...

Jan 15, 2012 17:35

Gidday one and all. Here's an update from me because jeez, it's been a while, hey?

So, what's been happening? Let's cross to the trusty bullet point list, shall we?

* Had a lovely Christmas and New Year. My mother arrived just before Christmas for a 6 week visit. Poor darling had a shocker of a start to her holiday though, succumbing to a particularly virulent dose of food poisoning a mere 48 hours before leaving New Zealand. She spent 8 hours in hospital connected to a drip, so badly dehydrated was she. Apparently the doctor suggested that she might not make her flight but he didn't count on my mother's sheer stubborn will, lol. She drove 4 hours to Christchurch and forced herself onto that plane, secure in the knowledge that when she arrived she could submit to my care and not worry about a thing. She's much better now. *g*

* Holidays at the beach are STILL awesome. The fam and I had a week away early January and it was nothing short of wonderful. I wrote about it here on my blog and there are a couple of pics as well, if you want to take a look.

* Finished renovating the back rumpus room of our house before Christmas - finally painted the ceiling and had timber floors put in. Looks bloody gorgeous!

* Went to see Daniel Craig in the American remake of 'Girl with a Dragon Tattoo' the other night. While I felt Daniel did a good job with what he had to work with, I have to say that overall, I think I preferred the original Swedish version. It sticks a lot closer to the book and does a better job laying out the storyline for you to follow. Viewers of the American version who hadn't read the book might find themselves a little lost, IMO. That being said, it's still worth a look but perhaps wait for the DVD.

* What I've been watching/need to watch/miss watching:

Supernatural - Season 7 : while I am not as big a fangirl about this show as I used to be, I still follow it for J. Ackles. He's always worth watching.

Castle - Season 4: Felt a bit underwhelmed by the last episode although this could just be me. Feels like they're doing everything BUT addressing the elephant in the room, so to speak. And the elephant needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later!

Dexter - Season 6: I still have the last two eps of the season to see. Didn't get a chance before I went on hols. Hoping to rectify that this weekend!

Downton Abbey - Seasons 1, 2 & the Christmas Special: OMG, this show!! TOTAL LOVE. Mum brought the first two seasons on DVD over with her and we went on a DA frenzy, watching both over an 8 day period. Naturally I had to investigate when Season 3 was out (not until Sept 2012, unfortunately) and discovered there was a Christmas Special. Within seconds, I was downloading, lol. DA is simply fabulous - beautifully cast, plotlines that twist and turn and plenty of OTP's to keep anyone happy.

Other shows I need to check out: Game of Thrones, True Blood, Walking Dead (Season 2), Community.

Miss watching Sons of Anarchy like MAD. That, my friends, is how you write a television show.

* Kids have two more weeks of holidays before they go back to school. Surprisingly, it is Mitch who is looking forward to going back the most. Go figure.

* The Foxx Man and I are in a really good place in our relationship, getting on really well lately. In two months we will have been married for 17 years. Wow. 2012 is going to be different, he says, in that he is not going to sweat the small stuff. "I've changed," he tells me. I must say I am liking the new Foxx way of thinking very much. *g*

New Year greetings to you all. I've missed ya!

update, tv, holidays, daniel craig, mum

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