It's like having a baby all over again...

Sep 12, 2011 22:39

... except without the nappy changing and the breast-feeding, lol.

We have a new member of the Foxx Family as of two days ago; another male to join this already noisy household. So naturally, he fits right in!

Meet Spencer, our new 8 week old English Staffy. Isn't he beautiful?

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spencer, doggie love, awww

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Comments 16

bluedelft September 12 2011, 12:48:54 UTC
Look at him!!!!!!

LOL @ your current music. Guess if you hear a Spencer snoring you know he isn't causing any trouble.


sierra_foxx September 14 2011, 03:32:41 UTC
Hee. Yes, he is very cute. *g*

He snuffles so much when he's sleeping; it's hilarious!


abvj September 12 2011, 15:42:27 UTC

(can you tell I am totally a dog person? I am glad you've crossed over. They really do make everything about your life THAT much better!)


sierra_foxx September 18 2011, 11:12:05 UTC
We're one week in and things are going well - sleep included! Spence is heaps of fun; we're all enjoying getting to know him! :o)


iwouldbegood September 12 2011, 20:17:25 UTC
OMG! A puppy!! A new family member!! Your life will never be the same again! ♥♥ As a proud dog owner, let me tell you, sharing your life with a dog changes you forever, for better :) Please update us a lot, and take photos, those precious first months rush by so quickly. Enjoy it so much! Also, Tily sends her greetings ;)


sierra_foxx September 18 2011, 11:14:24 UTC
Thank Tily for me, please!

Puppies are so adorable, aren't they? With Spencer, it's his face - it's so full of gorgeousness, you can't help but go 'awwwww' when he looks at you.

I have been taking plenty of photos so will post some more stories about him soon!


iwouldbegood September 19 2011, 11:52:19 UTC
Can't wait to see the pics!

I bet you're already feeling like he's been with you for ages, right? :)

Hope dealing with a puppy isn't too exhausted. I got Tily when she was a year and a half, and I'm not sure I'd be willing to raise a puppy all over again. But nothing beats the adorableness of a puppy, and I'm very glad you get to experience that :D


sierra_foxx September 21 2011, 01:27:29 UTC
Puppies are full on, but we're coping pretty well so far! We've got the sleeping at night thing more or less sorted so that makes a HUGE difference!

Kids love him and I do too. As of this moment, he's sleeping at my feet. *g* So cute. :)


scribblecat September 12 2011, 21:09:35 UTC
Boys and dogs are a match made in heaven, congrats on a new 'best mate' for the family! I love the name too, giving him a regal type name will see him grow into a sensible, proud dog. Wouldn't be the case if he was called Boofhead.
He's so cute! Staffies are a great dog.


sierra_foxx September 18 2011, 11:23:30 UTC
Oh Sez. The Boys Wot Live Here are in heaven - Spence has fitted in with everyone so well! As for his name, there's a bit of a story to that. Mitch and I decided that seeing as we got him during the Rugby World Cup and he was black and white, we'd name him after an All Black.

We spent the next few minutes scanning a list of players past and present, and came across the name of a guy I remember watching - Carlos Spencer. He was an awesome athlete, brilliant playmaker for the AB's and an all-round respected guy. As soon as we saw his name, it just leaped out at us - and so Spencer became his moniker for good. My rellos LOVE this story, as you can imagine, I'm sure. :o)


spoiled_andrea September 13 2011, 03:48:11 UTC
So freaking cute!


sierra_foxx September 18 2011, 11:24:30 UTC
Yes, he is - and he knows it, lol.


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