I'm a slack LJ user at the moment, I know. Sorry about that. But I'm here now so let's catch up!
Watched "The Walking Dead" first episode the other night - and while I admit to watching some of it from between my fingers, lol - I really enjoyed it. It was a solid first outing, lots of interesting characters and storylines. I'll be back to see the next one, for sure!
Am loving the new season of "Dexter" too - it's got a whole new feel to this season compared to the others but I think it's a good thing. There's still lots of tense, funny, scary and OMG moments like we're used to and I'm enjoying seeing MCH and Julia Stiles on screen together, as well as Deb and my favourite 'other' blood guy, Masuka. That guy is HILARIOUS.
"Mad Men" season 4 finale was AMAZING - I still find myself thinking about this show and those characters all the time. Love the layers. The writing and the the overall look of this show is top-notch. Deserving of every award they've received, and then some.
Still watching "Sister Wives" - wife number 4 is now officially in the family. I think it's probably not to everyone's taste but I can't help but watch. Real life beats all!
And now to "Supernatural" and those gorgeous but tormented Winchester boys. *fangirls* A solid start to season 6 with plenty of brotherly tension and angst - as well as the return of everyone's favourite angel, Castiel. The last two episodes have really hit the mark - the ending of last weeks was OMG! I'm still reeling from that, as well as recovering from a menopausal-like sweat after seeing a picture that
jolietjones posted on her journal... OMFG. *phwoar* It's under a cut to protect the innocent but if you haven't seen it, check it out at your own risk:
I know, right??! HAWT, HAWT, HAWT.
And I'm still only 3/4 of the way through reading Mockingjay, the last book in The Hunger Games series - trying to find the time to read lately has been nearly impossible! By the time I'm ready for bed my eyes are virtually hanging out of my head. I read about one sentence and that's it, lol. Hopefully this weekend will provide the opportunity!