.. and I can't believe I'm actually saying that. But it's true. I'm currently all chocolated out. I have eaten waaaay too much over this last weekend.
Tomorrow I have a cardio gym session first thing - at 6 freaking A.M - and I know it's gonna kill me. LOL. But in a good way, you know? *is trying to think positive, coz that's all I got at this point* Think of me, won't you?
So, how was everyone's Easter? Ours was good, fairly quiet but that was okay by us. Saw all the family for lunch on the Monday and ate more food than was necessary but we were all on a roll by then, so we kinda went with it. *sigh* You know how it is, I'm sure.
Kids are enjoying the end of term break, they don't go back until the 21st of April, so we'll have a few movie days and sleepovers to keep them busy (and me with sanity intact). I know, Mother of the Year, right?
Supernatural bloody near broke me last week... angsting the most angst that has ever been angsted. Christ.
Those boys are so broken, it's freaking KILLING ME! Gah. Dean and young!Sam with the fireworks, so poignant... and Dean with his Mom and her PB&J sambo... and then, the necklace...OMG. I'm telling myself Sam picked that necklace up out of the rubbish bin, I can't think of it any other way. What about you? This Dean!fangirl's heart was totally ripped to shreds watching her man slowly giving up hope to hit rock bottom. *big sigh* FFS. Is it Friday yet?
So what's happening with you guys? It seems a little quiet around here of late, but perhaps it's just the time of year.