It's been a hell of a week at Chez Foxx. Lots happening. Oh, and I changed my layout, too.
* First was the most awesome, amazing girls weekend in Melbourne. OMG. What a great place. Great food, very friendly locals and good times shared with some of my best mates. We are all now HUGE fans of the Victorian capital. It was brilliant - lots of shopping, eating, drinking and laughing - and the wonderful bonus for me was catching up with the irreverent, funny and always stylish
rosie_spleen (wearing a gorgeous blouse and some very cool shoes!) and sharing a few stories over a glass of delicious red. I'm sure they'll remember us at that wine bar, lol. *g*
* Next was the birthday (mine) that almost never was. Can you believe that the Boys Wot Live Here actually FORGOT? *gasp* Well, they got the dates mixed up -- there were lots of exclamations of "But it's tomorrow, isn't it?!" followed by shocked looks all round and then loads of apologies, hehe. Someone had rung to wish me a happy day and that's when the penny had dropped - I'd been quietly grinding my teeth and feeling pretty disappointed and unappreciated *iz dramatic* so it was nice when they finally realised!
* Two days later it was my 15th wedding anniversary... and due to the mix-up earlier in the week, Mr Foxx very wisely made sure he remembered this particular day, lol. Over a nice dinner at home we joked about how it was pretty cool that we'd made it to 15 years without calling the lawyers. *g*
* Watched 'Blood Creek' over the weekend (thanks for the link,
kelsrealm!) featuring two fabulous specimens of masculinity, Dominic Purcell and Henry Cavill. It's kind of a horror/supernatural type of story, a little gory in places (I watched those parts through my fingers!) and while it's fair to say it's not the world's greatest movie, it actually has some semblance of a storyline so I have to give them credit for that. Oh, and Dom and Henry looked pretty good, too. :o)
* I've also started watching S4 of 'Big Love' - only 3 episodes in and already I'm all 'OMG!!' and loving it as much as always. Who's been watching it? I need to discuss!! LOL.
Boys Wot Live Here all very busy with school and sport and/or work - the weather is changing here, cooling down noticeably today which is about right as rugby union training starts this week; winter isn't that far away!
What's happening with all of you? Feels like I've been away for ages! *smooches*