Happy birthday domfangirl!

Mar 07, 2010 22:45

*throws confetti ( Read more... )

birthdays, dominic purcell

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Comments 7

halfshellvenus March 8 2010, 06:31:15 UTC
Oh, Dominic-- with HAIR.

God, but he looks good. All my "John Doe" obsession is coming right back.

Hope Candy enjoys these as much as I do! We were always all-about-Dominic anyway. ;)


sierra_foxx March 8 2010, 06:39:46 UTC
I know, right?! The Purcell Locks are a thing of beauty, that's for sure... a lush, run-your-fingers-through-it kind of gorgeousness, lol.

I saw your offer of a birthday drabble too, btw - I'm still trying to decide what I might like, so I'll get back to you as soon as I can. *g*


halfshellvenus March 8 2010, 07:06:11 UTC
Yay-- glad the offer wasn't invisible. :)

I know that Michael/Lincoln was never your thing, but about 6 months into the show I wrote something that caused an LJ friend to say, "You know, I suddenly realize that you find Lincoln a lot more attractive than Michael." And I thought, "What? It took until now?"

Lincoln never looked as good as Dominic (except in S2, with the stubble and the unbuttoned shirts-- whoo!), but I never forgot what his potential was. Plus, he radiated that animal magnetism, no matter the context. Rrrrrowr!

These pictures here just prove the point all over again. :D


badboy_fangirl March 8 2010, 06:44:03 UTC

I didn't know there were new pics of him--and I've been looking for them, really I have. So exciting!

Yay, yummeh! and thank you!


halfshellvenus March 8 2010, 07:08:29 UTC
Chiming in with good birthday wishes, and I'm sorry your day has been overshadowed by the RL sadness of what's happening with your friends.

I've been thinking of you today, and if there's something I could write for you that would make you happy, please don't hesitate to says so.

To a better coming year, for you and for us all. ♥


badboy_fangirl March 8 2010, 22:11:46 UTC
Hey, thanks, Karen. What do you think of a Hurt Locker fic to celebrate their win? Maybe Sanborn hears that James finally went up in a cloud or something? No slash, just gen. :D


halfshellvenus March 10 2010, 19:08:46 UTC

And here I thought you'd be looking for something fluffy as a birthday fic. :0

Nevertheless, you asked for it and here it is.

Hope you're recovering and feeling more birthdayish by now (I sound like something from Winnie The Pooh).


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