Dec 12, 2009 16:37
It's freaking hot on this Saturday arvo and I'm sitting here with an ice-cold beer, marvelling at the awesome way my afternoon is turning out...
Mitch is on a sleep over at a mate's house. Mr Foxx has just left to go out with some mates too; there will be definitely be drinking and he doesn't drink and drive, so more than likely, he won't be home til the morning. Harry will be in bed by his usual 8.00pm bedtime, leaving me on my own, with no-one else demanding attention to worry about.
My thoughts on this development? LOL. *squee*
OMGWTFBBQ! Loads of time for me to play online tonight WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. *flails at the thought*
Seriously, there IS a God and I reckon she is a woman. Booyah!!
man it's hot,
real life