Thank God for TV, I say...

Sep 12, 2009 19:54

Big day, sportswise. Mitch had his first competition baseball game today, winning 17-4... then a few hours later *I* had training with the ladies baseball team... two hours in the spring heat, throwing my body all over the park. Let me just say that the distance between baseball bases is a helluva lot further than it is for softball!! Crikey.

So now I am Consuela of the Couch, Diva of the Den, reclining on the lounge whilst resting my elderly, aching limbs and as such, have already enjoyed a glass (or two, truth be told, lol) of a particularly yummy shiraz. Mr Foxx even cooked dinner! Consequently, I was able to catch up on my TV viewing... and WHOA, baby. *gasps*

Dexter 4.01: Holy crap. I've had this downloaded for a while bit hadn't gotten around to watching until today. This show just gets better all the time, doesn't it?

Life has changed for Dex, he's a family man now, but an extremely sleep deprived one! (God, I can so relate!!) I found this whole concept very interesting, seeing as it showed Dex as we'd never seen him - making mistakes, being flustered, not able to focus. Babies change life for everyone, of course, but still, I found myself yelling at Rita to get off her lazy arse and get up to the baby because her poor serial-killing husband had work the next day!! And ploise. She's DESPERATE for sex??? Any woman with a 4-6 month old baby who's finally deigned to sleep is gagging for sleep herself... not hot, slow, naughty hanky panky with the hubby! *rolls eyes*

Lundy turning up again was a surprise. He always looks like he's got some other 'secret' agenda when he speaks to people... like he's listening to the answers for what the person is NOT actually saying. And FWIW, I'd choose Anton over Lundy any day, lol.

Batista & LaGuerta were a bit of a turn up for the books, hey? I knew they were close but I hadn't actually thought of them in that way. Office romance, maybe? Hmmm. We'll see, I guess.

OMG. John Lithgow as The Trinity Killer was scary. Like really, REALLY scary. He's going to be such an awesome villain. His face lends itself so well to being creepy and sick, you know what I mean? I could literally feel my skin crawling watching him with that poor chick in the bath.

And OMGWTF. Dex crashing at the end... with the bags of sliced and diced Gomez all rattling around in the boot. Holy shit! Wake up, Dexter!!

All in all, I thought it was a good ep to start - sets up the season story arcs very well. So... when does the next ep come out then??? The bloody wait is going to kill ME. *g*

Supernatural 5.01:

OH! *dances* 'Thunderstruck' from Acca Dacca was so freaking AWESOME during the 'previously' bit!!! My little fangirl heart was singing along with my toes tapping. The boys are back, thanks be to God possibly, or perhaps Castiel, or maybe even teh Archangel Michael, perhaps all of them, I'm not sure.

At any rate, it is Apocalypse NOW and life on earth is going to Hell in a handbasket. I wasn't disappointed - this ep was fantastic and a great way to start the season. Lucifer circling his 'vessel' was well done and I thought the bloke from Dexter (he played Rita's now dead ex-husband) did a great job as said vessel. He'll play evil and dark as well as sweetness and light quite believably, I think. Look out, boys.

A few more points:

* Bobby ripping into Sam (admittedly while possessed by a demon) was rough to watch - Sam's face was heartbreaking.

* Dean looked bloody fabulous. And pissed. Yet matter of fact and accepting of their predicament. Like you know, 'we're going to fight and probably die but at least we go down swinging'. *hugs him* I thought he did well not to say 'I told you so' to Sam. Their relationship has taken a huge battering, they definitely have "issues" needing to be addressed. His feelings of betrayal by Sam's decision to believe Ruby over him cut pretty deep. Sam's gonna have to work hard to get that trust back. That in itself makes me eager to watch him try.

* Loved seeing Chuck again. "Is that a molar?" LOL. He is hilarious.

* The fangirl. LOLOL. I didn't mind this little shout out to certain members of the SPN fandom -- I know some peeps hate this stuff every time the writers do it, but I personally don't -- and the slash fanfic, OMG! Bwah! Too funny. "You're so firm... and you *looks at Dean* are so not what I expected." *hoots*

* Castiel kicking some serious butt - booyah! Loved that. Glad to see him back. Liked how he's looking out for our boys, especially Dean. *heart warms at the thought*

* Meg coming back was something I knew about but hadn't seen any pictures of the actress. I thought she had Meg's usual demeanor down pat. And she stole a kiss from Dean, too, the little slut. Lucky bitch. :)

They're baaaaack. And so now we are all "Is it next week yet?"

I'm up to S3 of The Tudors... absolutely loving this to bits, too. Am downloading 3.03 as we 'speak' -- good God, life was stressful for some back then!! LOL. I'd want to be as far away from Court as possible, I think!

We've got another 30 deg C day tomorrow here which will be lovely. Winter is finally behind us, I think! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my darlings.

*blows kisses and relaxes back onto couch*

dexter, supernatural, baseball, the tudors, the curse of an aging body

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