Microfic meme... stolen from domfangirl

Jun 14, 2009 11:57

Saw this at Candy's journal. I figure it's writing even if it IS in a micro form and I needed to do something creative today!

Microfic meme: try to write different categories of fic (drama, angst, fluff, friendship, humor, PWP, UST, romance, tragedy... can you think of others?) in fifteen eighteen words or less. Author's perogative, okay? I needed more, lol.

He never needed it. But then Hale named him and somehow, he felt slightly bereft.

He took his time choosing the fruit for the pie; it had to be sweet, like her.

His hand paused before knocking. He knew Lance was everything she needed, yet he was nervous.

The flamingo décor was hardly subtle. Neither was the triangle-shaped burn on his chest.

She looked luminous. And, thanks to him, free. His skin tingled at the sound of her voice.

He felt a heat surge through his body that had nothing to do with pain, just raw need.

It all boiled down to this moment: the brothers, or him. Alex never saw the bullet coming.

He forced his hand to still after writing her name on the envelope. I’m sorry, he thought.

Being killed in the line of duty was a fitting end. Just not the one he’d hoped for.

paul kellerman, meme, pb fic

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