"As Maggie finished a fifth story, she reached for her teacup and discovered it was ice cold. Startled, she looked at the clock. It was after midnight, and she'd been surfing a porn site for more than three hours."
http://www.christianitytoday.com/tcw/2003/sepoct/5.58.html Oh Maggie, we've all been there.
For some reason I really miss Germany right now. Maybe it was that video we watched in German class about all of the wonderful foods I ate there and can't get here. Oh god. I was only there for a month but it was the best thing ever. I wish there was a way to go back in time and not change anything, but just be able to experience things again. I mean I've thought of this before but dang.
Like. The first night I was there, we had Pfannkuchen for dinner, and they were really thin, almost crepes, and I stared cutting mine up like an American pancake and then I noticed that everyone else was rolling theirs. And, and when Diana asked what I wanted to drink, I had pointed at the Apfel Schorle and she had poured me some, but when her mom saw what was in my glass she was like "Ah, but you're not supposed to drink... but it's okay if you want to." And so I thought Apfel Schorle was alcoholic for the longest time, and I wondered why everyone's moms kept giving it to their children to take and drink at school. But now I think Angela just thought I had beer in my glass.
And one night we went to dinner at an Italien restaurant and we ate outside surrounded by ivy and 400-year-old buildings and I had this delicious baked penne and eggplant dish but there was sooo much of it, and just as we were leaving it started to rain, and then it started to pour, so we waited inside for Diana's dad to pull the car around.
And when we went to the beach and spent like three hours just lying on our towels listening to bad rap music and Pink's "Dear Mr. President." And we bought ice cream and I got a Kaktus Eis because it was cheap and the Germans tried to explain to me that "es prickelt."
It's just, there are millions of moments in a month, and normally we don't really remember them because they are all the same, always the same, but when you are in a foreign country and everything is new and everyone is nice, the moments are like gold and there are just so many things to miss.
Dang guys, don't let me listen to Iron and Wine ever, or I'll get all melencholy.
Urrgh, speaking of Duplos,
in Germany a box of ten cost like 1.20 Euros or something. Now how am I supposed to get a fix?