
Dec 19, 2016 17:01

We're a week out from Christmas, and I feel like I have most of my crap kind of, somewhat, sort of under control. This is amazing - I never have my shit together for Christmas. It might be because for the first time in many years I am not managing multiple crises on the personal and/or work fronts in the weeks leading up to the holiday. Or maybe I'm just trying to keep busy so that I don't have time to think to much. These days, that does not lead to good places in my head.

I wrapped all the gifts I had in the house already over the weekend - I have about 4 more inbound and a couple of handknits to wrap. H and I are dialing back cookie production this year to three recipes we've made before, and two varieties of dressed up nuts. The only kink in those works is that our schedule for the tail end of the week has need up pretty chunked up, making it tough to find good cookie making blocks of time. But, I am sure we will figure it out - we always do!

Unusually for us, we are going to be hosted a small Christmas gathering at our place on the day off, after scheduling imploded for trying to find a way to see everyone on Christmas Day (the joy of mixing families with many different traditions). I think that we're announcing on family gathering day that we intend to either stay home again next year or to go to New Mexico so that we can spend Christmas with W's mom - which we have not done in many years. Or maybe we'll see about going somewhere warm and tropical for the holiday. But I am super looking forward to hosting and cooking a nice meal - there will be few enough of us that I might even break out the fancy china I "inherited" from my mom a year ago. Gotta figure out what I am going to cook, still.

On the knitting front, I may be in a little trouble - I am committed to finishing the repair on W's stocking, and he is waiting for a hat I promised him ages ago (slow going, since I am designing it myself). I promised another friend a hat a year ago, and I'd like to have that for him by New Years, if I can, and yesterday I agreed to make pussy hats for two of my church friends to wear to the march in Washington next month.
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