
May 29, 2011 17:03

I've been TALKING about wanting to get chickens for a very long time now. I have never actually managed to do it, because there were just enough complicated bits that I never quite wrapped my head around getting it all done. I mean - just the description of ordering wee baby chicks alone was enough to make my head spin, never mind picked a coop, figuring out how to care for them, worrying about the neighborhood coyotes, not to mention the neighbors.

A few weeks ago, a friend of Wiley's mentioned that they were moving to a bigger coop, and might we want their Eglu? They'd be happy to include the two adult chickens who had been living together in the space as well - a little starter flock!

Today was the chicken pickup day, and Wiley headed out this morning to their place, way up on the end of the North Shore. Dismantled the coop, packed it all up, boxed up the chickens and drove them home.

We just spent about an hour getting them settled in and introducing them to our cats - Cosmo seems intimidated and not quite sure what to think, while Pye seems to think they look pretty tasty. We're pretty sure they won't be able to get into the run, but we'll be keeping an eye on them for the next few days.

Hannah is going to get to name one of them, and I have my heart set on naming the other Camilla. It may be a bit cliché, but Gonzo has always been one of my favorite Muppets, so Camilla it is.

Here they are, all settled into their new home!

On the crafty front, I am almost to the end of my first scarf - I'm hoping to finish it up tonight and take it off the loom. I already know what I want as my second project. I've picked a name for the loom - taking Kati's suggestions as a jumping off point, I looked up "weave" in a bunch of different languages. According to Babelfish, in Italian, it is "tessuto". I don't know if it's quite right, Babelfish being what it is and all, but Tess seems to be a good fit for the loom, and so shall she be christened.

I'm also getting ready to head off to Squam for SAW this week. I'm not sure how, but it went from being very far away to being in less than a week! This is the first year I haven't had to run around buying all kinds of weird supplies - my classes are all either things I've done before (knitting and embroidery) or are providing the supplies (woodworking). I'm appreciating the chance to have a more relaxed run up to the vacation this year, and I think it's making me look forward to it even more.
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