What a lovely entry! ♥ It makes me all teary-eyed (in the best possible way) to read stuff like this. It's such a beautiful, wonderful thing that despite of all the hardships life has thrown your way and all the burdens you have to carry, there are still all these things that bring you joy and happiness. :')
My heartiest birthday greetings to you! *gives you a big-ass birthday hug* I hope you've had a wonderful day, and that the year to come will be a good one!
I had this "brilliant" plan of making a proper birthday post for you, but to my greatest regret I've been feeling spectacularly bad for the last couple of days, and all my attempts to will this nadir of feeling-like-crap to pass have been to no effect. I did keep telling myself until the very last minute that I'm so totally going pull this off, but it's like...I just don't think I can make it happen. For which I'm terribly sorry. (I suck. Bad. True story.) It seems like all my plans come with a giant FAIL!-tag attached to them these days... :(
I do have this pressie-type-of-thingy I'd like to give to you, though. It's a Spuffy header, like you wished, but I'm afraid it's kinda of lame while you'd most certainly deserve bundles of gifts that are of the best kind. Buuuuut at least it's not...well, at least it's not nothing. And it was made specially for you, with lots and lots of love. Hope you like it! :)
I made three different versions of this, because I didn't know what you'd prefer color-wise and felt like it would be the least I could do to give you something to choose from. Nevertheless, these are all yours and you can use them (or not use them) as you will.
P.S. Thank you so much for your kind words up there in your entry. You've been there for me in a way that very few have, and I will never forget it let alone take your friendship for granted. You're a beautiful human being with a kind soul and a heart of gold, and it's both a delight and an honor to me to be able to call you a friend. *hearts you* Kiitokseni suuret! Olet ihana! :D *hali*
I sent you a private note, but I want to thank you here as well. I love the header, and will put it up as soon as I figure how... Love, hugs and kisses, Katriina
My heartiest birthday greetings to you! *gives you a big-ass birthday hug* I hope you've had a wonderful day, and that the year to come will be a good one!
I had this "brilliant" plan of making a proper birthday post for you, but to my greatest regret I've been feeling spectacularly bad for the last couple of days, and all my attempts to will this nadir of feeling-like-crap to pass have been to no effect. I did keep telling myself until the very last minute that I'm so totally going pull this off, but it's like...I just don't think I can make it happen. For which I'm terribly sorry. (I suck. Bad. True story.) It seems like all my plans come with a giant FAIL!-tag attached to them these days... :(
I do have this pressie-type-of-thingy I'd like to give to you, though. It's a Spuffy header, like you wished, but I'm afraid it's kinda of lame while you'd most certainly deserve bundles of gifts that are of the best kind. Buuuuut at least it's not...well, at least it's not nothing. And it was made specially for you, with lots and lots of love. Hope you like it! :)
I made three different versions of this, because I didn't know what you'd prefer color-wise and felt like it would be the least I could do to give you something to choose from. Nevertheless, these are all yours and you can use them (or not use them) as you will.
This way to the gallery!
P.S. Thank you so much for your kind words up there in your entry. You've been there for me in a way that very few have, and I will never forget it let alone take your friendship for granted. You're a beautiful human being with a kind soul and a heart of gold, and it's both a delight and an honor to me to be able to call you a friend. *hearts you*
Kiitokseni suuret! Olet ihana! :D *hali*
Love, hugs and kisses, Katriina
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