My character's name is Valanti and I am a WoW addict

Apr 21, 2006 10:40

I have been in a good raiding guild for two weeks now. This guild has been around for a time and is well organised. I have now been on ZG, MC, Ony and AQ20 raids, even managed to get in on a few wipes against Rag.
Two nights ago in MC, my first epic dropped: Talisman of Ephemeral Power! I currently have around +200dam for my frost bolts. With some wizard oil and that trinket, I managed a 1890 crit in one battle.

The guild has around 70 members, but usually only 45 will be logged on for a raid. Unfortunately the mages have a good attendance rate, so as a new member, I missed out on a few runs. This was worse for the ZG 20 man stuff, however we have setup two permanent 20man teams, rather than having one team picked from all those online (and inevitably the longer standing members will get picked). Having enough members on for a balanced group is a problem, but we 15 manned several bosses the other night, and last night Zanzil's Seal to match the Zanzil's Band I already had. I also won a roll on Primal Hakkari Bindings, so hopefully they will give me the coins and bijou from the bank to make my Illusionist's Wraps. I also have the hakkari for the shoulders, just need some more rep before I can get them.

The guild doesn't have a DKP system. Each class has a councillor (the mages councillor is a rogue) who keeps track of everything, and they decide who gets what depending on who is interested, who needs it, donations, loot received and so forth. I have only been eligible for loot the last few runs (newcomers need four runs before becoming eligible to try and keep out those who want to join just for loot), and it seems to work well. The only problem is the lack of a formal system opens it up to accusations of favouritism, apparently there has been some bickering behind the scenes.

Overall I am one happy mage, and plan to kill Ony again tonight! :)


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