Yes, I'm quitting again. You can make fun of it, "you're going to come back soon anyways just like last time", but this time it's more serious. I really burned out, I really don't have anything left to do in the game at this point.
I play WoW right now, because to me it's still new and fun. The most important aspect of it, however is that it takes up a lot less time than FFXI did. Just look at my playtime, that's without any bazaaring overnight or AFKing for days, it just ate up so much time from my life, and I'm very asmahed of it.
I don't hate FFXI or anything, I'm just very tired of it. There's nothing new, it's the same old grind. Finally getting a good HNMLS was very nice. I only had good experiences in PhoenixDown for that little time I was with them and if it wasn't for the impossible starting times they had, I probably would still be playing. To any PD member who reads this; I'm sorry, but when school starts I just simply won't be able to log on at 4AM, when I have to leave for school at 7:30AM. I was hoping it could work it out, but it's not possible.
I'm a very emotional person, so of course this makes me kind of sad. I was playing for 3 years, damnit. It was hard to make this decision.
To anyone who plays WoW: I'm on Argent Dawn. As much as I'm the horde type person, I started alliance characters, because the guild filled with Ther's friends is alliance as well. (damnit) You can find me under the names of Phaea and Sianie.