So I'm finally posting the promised bear episode from a bit over a week ago. Yay!
Jesse and I were playing a board game on the dining room table when he spotted and promptly pointed out the bear through the window, and I stared at him in awe for a moment. Finally! A bear! It had only been 9 months. All of a sudden I remembered I promised to take a photo of a bear for my nan and flew into a panic - "I need a camera! Where's my camera!?" I remembered where I left it and rushed to fetch it. I came back in time to see him amble around the side of the house. Oh no! "Upstairs!" Jesse said excitedly, and we ran upstairs to gawk from our bedroom window, and I managed this picture:
Silly me, though, didn't realise or think about the fact that the window was open and was talking excitedly about how cute and awesome he was, and the bear heard me and looked bashfully upwards. Seeing us gawking he turned around and shyly ambled away again, but I took this photo while he went:
When he was again out of sight we raced back down the stairs and Jesse tried to fiddle with the blinds while I tried to take a photo around him of the bear crossing back over the yard. Jesse had already said I wasn't allowed outside (although I kind of wanted to!) so I am afraid those two pictures were the only ones I got of him, sorry about the screen in the way and all, they aren't great. But I am hoping to see another soon, they need to fuel up before hibernation, right, so I guess some of them will get a little less shy. Hopefully not so bold as to be put down though, I hope. I loves the bears. <3<3<3