The Preacher's Son - Part 5

Mar 29, 2008 10:12

Ennis let him in when he knocked but didn’t step out of the way far enough and Jack brushed against him when he walked in, got a noseful of clean smells - soap and shampoo and even toothpaste. Ennis was even wearing different clothes.

Jack looked him over and asked, worried, “What the hell? Have you got a date tonight or something?”

“No,” Ennis said with a shrug. “I just got kinda hot and sweaty today, figured a shower’d be good.”

“Oh,” was all he could think of to say, and suddenly he wished he’d had a shower too, although why exactly, he couldn’t have said.

“Want a soda? Did you eat something at your house?”

The answers were yes and no. Jack’s mom wasn’t there when he got home, so no food, but his dad was, and he wanted to talk. Jack didn’t want to talk with him. He was still angry, couldn’t help it, and maybe his dad was finally picking up on that because he usually wasn’t even home when Jack got in from school. His mom had taken his sister to dance class, so they were there alone. His dad had tried to interest him in several subjects, school, sports, his friends, etc, but he’d only given him short answers and refused to look him in the eye. Finally his dad had given up and gone to his study and Jack had flown up to his room, anxious to get his things and get the hell out of there before his dad decided he couldn’t go. Even though he was only going three houses away, the chances of being called back were much less than the chances of being forbidden to go in the first place. Escape was the key to success.

So his stomach was growling and “yes” he was hungry. Ennis pulled a pot out of the refrigerator, along with a Tupperware dish that was full of noodles. “My mom made spaghetti last night. Want some?”

Jack nodded, so Ennis heated them each up a bowl in the microwave and they carted their food, drinks and Jack’s bags up the stairs to Ennis’s room. They watched tv while they ate, then drug their books out and started on their homework. Jack was bad about putting homework off until the last minute, but Ennis was real anal about it and always wanted to get it done first thing. Jack liked the feeling of accomplishment when it was done and the rest of his free time was really free, but he still couldn’t make himself do it without Ennis prodding him. Even though Ennis got him in trouble some, maybe he was a good influence too.

Once their  homework was done, they played Xbox for a while. Ennis’s mom came up to check on them, announced that she and his dad were going to a charity dinner and wouldn’t be home till late. Ennis’s sister, Rebecca, was going to a slumber party and they’d be dropping her off on the way. She left thirty dollars on Ennis’s dresser for them to order a pizza and some hot wings for dinner, then was gone. They kept playing their game until they heard the garage door open and close, played on for about a half hour after to make sure they didn’t come back for something. Finally, when they reached a natural stopping point, Ennis said, “Enough?” and Jack said “Yes.” As usual, he’d whipped his ass in the game. Now it was time to whip his ass in the basement.

“You ready?” Ennis asked, and even though he didn’t say it, Jack knew exactly what he was talking about and he nodded.

“Ok, come on then. Maybe we’ll order our food after, ok?”

“Yeah. Sure.”

Jack crawled off the bed, his palms sweaty and his whole being suffused with worry that he might get an erection and give himself away. He liked girls - he’d always been really interested in them - but he knew that he was falling behind in the score department even though he’d had some opportunities to do more. Even the nerdy, goofy guys in his crowd were starting to go deep - two of them claimed to have gone all the way - and Jack knew everyone was at least copping a feel of pussy. Everyone but him. He liked to kiss and he’d touched up top a few times, but that’s as far as he’d ever gone. Now, his body was acting totally strange with his best friend and it was making him crazy. What if Ennis found out and didn’t want to be his friend anymore? The rest of his life was sucking so bad, he didn’t think he could handle any more bad stuff at the moment. He’d just have to be extra careful at keeping his feelings secret.

That was a good plan but not nearly so easy to execute. He followed Ennis down the steps to their basement, which was a junk room/game room. There was a big pool table in the middle, a couple of old sofas and a tv, and several boxes stacked in one corner. Jack had heard Ennis’s mom saying they were going to fix the room up, but so far it was still just like the first day he’d been there, when Ennis had invited him down for a few games of pool.

Ennis walked over to a card table set up along the wall and came back with a ping pong paddle. The face was covered in red rubber with little raised dots that Jack figured would make an interesting pattern on Ennis’s butt.

Ennis handed it to him and asked, “Will this do?”

Jack took it and rubbed his fingers across the red rubber that would soon be scorching Ennis’s butt. He wished he could just skip the rubber and touch Ennis himself, but that wasn’t what was supposed to happen. “Yeah. It’s good.”

“’K. You ready, or you wanna lecture me some like your dad did you?” Ennis grinned at him, not seeming at all worried about what was fixing to happen.

“No. I think you’ve got it all figured out. Don’t get me into trouble anymore.”

The grin died away and Ennis did truly look sorry. “I’ll try really hard not too. I’m real sorry, Jack.”

Jack ducked his head, blushing, because Ennis’s words meant so much to him. All he really wanted to do was touch him, maybe even kiss him. Jack knew that if he could just do that for a while, he’d be able to forget about all the other crap that was flying around in his head, like wanting to run away or die or get back at his dad in some awful way so that everyone would know how mean and unfair he was.

All of those actions would bring on a lot of shit that he didn’t want to deal with, and so Jack - so far - was just suffering in silence. For the first time, it occurred to him that if he made a life for himself apart from his family, then maybe the shitty things that went on at home wouldn’t be so important. Maybe if he had something else in his life that was just as important as his home life - something good - then maybe he could cope better with the bad stuff.

Ennis turned to face the pool table and, without being told, dropped his jeans and his underwear down to his ankles and quickly bent over the table. Jack walked up close, paddle gripped firmly in his right hand, ready to strike, but all he could do was look, stare at Ennis’s butt, all white and round, sticking up high in the air for him to beat on.

Is this what he looked like when he bent over for his dad? He stepped back a few feet to get a better overall picture. Ennis’s legs were spread a bit and he could see his balls hanging low between them..... Did his dad see his balls??? His crack was spread a bit as well, a big, dark slash right between his cheeks. Jack couldn’t exactly see his hole. He could see where it was but no details. Ennis shimmied a bit in position and looked around at him.

“Are you gonna do this or what?”

“Sorry,” Jack said, and that was all he could say as he felt his face going red and his cock getting hard just from looking at the picture Ennis made, long legs spread for him, brown hair dusting lightly along his thighs, balls swinging freely in between.

Jack adjusted himself quickly, because his hard-on was big now and caught uncomfortably in his briefs. He stepped up beside Ennis and drew the paddle back to land the first blow, staring at the bottom he was about to pound into a red, painful mess, and even though it had just happened to him, Ennis’s fault, he couldn’t bring himself to lower the boom. He held the paddle aloft for almost a minute, but in the end he gave up and threw it down on the pool table, unused.

“I can’t do it,” he admitted at last.

Ennis stood up and faced him. Jack looked down, couldn’t control any part of himself anymore it seemed, and saw that Ennis was halfway to where he was.... not embarrassingly hard yet, but heading in that direction. Maybe it was just the excitement of what had been supposed to happen... an adrenalin woody. Jack had heard of those before.

“What’s the matter? Thought you wanted to do this.”

“I did, I mean, I thought I did too, but I can’t. I can’t hurt you. I’m sorry.”

Ennis stepped a little closer. “Wanna try again, just use your hand?”

“Mmm.... I don’t know. Maybe, but it’d be really lame.”

“Come on. Give it a try. I want you too. I feel real bad about what happened, Jack. This is supposed to be my way of making it better.”

“But it won’t change what happened to me, and I won’t feel any better about passing it on. I thought I would, but I can see now that I won’t. I’m just not like that, Ennis.”

“That’s ok, you don’t have to do it hard. Just start out slow and easy and get as hard as you want to. It’ll make us both feel better, I promise.”

“Ok.... I’ll try.”

Ennis stared at his mouth for a minute. Jack had noticed him doing that a lot lately. This time, Jack gave into temptation and let his tongue slip out to lick at his bottom lip. Ennis watched it all, then with a sigh turned back to the pool table, but not before Jack had taken another peek at his dick and seen that it was getting stiffer. The adrenalin excuse was looking weak.

Jack lined his hand up in the air out from Ennis’s butt and took a decent swing and was rewarded with a nice slapping sound when he made contact. Ennis groaned, but he didn’t move or try to get away, and the little sting that Jack got in his palm felt warm and exciting, so he did it again. Ennis made another strangled sound, but it wasn’t a bad in pain sound, so Jack kept going.

He swatted him several times, going from cheek to cheek before he began aiming for in the middle so that his palm would strike right over Ennis’s butt hole. He delivered a bunch of those slaps all in a row - whack whack whack - and Ennis moaned loudly and wiggled and squirmed. Jack’s cock was loving it all, the noise and the touching and the view and Jack knew that this was nothing like the spankings he got at home. This felt way too good. Something was happening between him and Ennis, and scary as that was, Jack wanted to know what they were doing.

He stopped the spanking abruptly. “I’m done. You can stand up.” He grabbed Ennis by the arm, eager for him to stand so that he could see what he needed to see, if this had really turned Ennis on as much as it had him. Ennis didn’t resist him, stood up and faced him slowly, his cheeks red hot but tearless, his dick rock hard and weeping. His eyes were downcast and his feet were shuffling in their jeans shackles as he said, “I’m sorry, Jack. Guess this isn’t exactly the reaction you were hoping for.” He flicked his hard-on as he said it, finally worked up enough nerve to meet Jack’s gaze.

“What’s going on, Ennis? What are we doing?” Jack asked, because even though they both had woodys, he had no idea if they were gonna do anything about them or not. Maybe Ennis was really just embarrassed and trying to apologize for getting turned on.

Ennis shuffled closer till the head of his dick was brushing against the front of Jack’s jeans. Jack held his ground, didn’t move away. Ennis stared into his eyes for a long, silent minute, then asked, “What do you want to do? We can play with these, if you want,” he offered, flicking his dick again, rubbing it against Jack’s dick that was a big bulge in the front of his jeans, “or I can just put it away and we can play pool or go back upstairs and play some more Xbox and order our pizza. I’ll do whatever you want to do.”

Jack licked his bottom lip again, not teasing this time, wanting to be kissed, and he took the final step remaining between them till they were touching all the way down their bodies. His eyes riveted on Ennis’s mouth, he licked again, lips wet and parted, and Ennis needed no more invitation as he parted his own lips and settled them for the very first time on Jack’s.

Whatever Jack had been expecting from a kiss, this was it times a thousand. Harder and stronger than the soft, girly kisses he was used to, Ennis pushed his mouth open wider as he dove straight in with his tongue. Ennis wasted no time in putting his hands on him either, running them up Jack’s arms to twist in his hair, pulling him closer, making the kiss as deep and intimate as he could. Jack didn’t care, he was lust blind and hungry for love and affection, and Ennis seemed to be offering it all as he pulled him close and kissed his breath away. Jack set his own hands free to roam up and down Ennis’s back, but pretty fast they found their way down to his ass and Jack could no more stop them than he could stop time. Cupping his fingers around Ennis’s still warm, freshly spanked butt cheeks, he drew him in as close as he could and began grinding and thrusting, rubbing their cocks together with just his blue jeans between them. Ennis moaned and jerked in his arms, but Jack couldn’t stop, couldn’t let go even for a second because hunching on this boy was the best feeling he’d ever had, and Ennis must’ve been liking it too, because just as Jack felt his own orgasm building he heard Ennis cry out and his whole body jerked as he came on the front of Jack’s jeans with Jack only a few seconds behind him.

Click here for Part 6:

au!au, the preacher's son

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