Lovefest: Yours for an Hour

Mar 12, 2008 00:15

Ok, this isn't really kinky, but it's very rough!!! (and I don't just mean my writing!) It ends ambiguously... feel free to assume whatever you want. You know me, so you know what I think, but since I'm not writing any further, you can have it your way. I'm the Barbara Cartland of slash serving Whoppers on the side.... HAHAHAHAHA!!! I kill myself sometimes!

Seriously! This little piece is devoted to City Girl, who has worked so hard to organize our San Francisco bash. I don't know if she'll like it or not, but of all the things I've written lately, I think this has the best chance of making her smile. We'll see.

Ok... on with the show! :)


Jack was working in the campus bookstore when it started. He worked there on Tuesdays and Thursdays after class and he had a job waiting tables on the weekends, because he wanted to make some of his own money and not be totally dependent on his parents. He had scholarships and grants to cover most everything, and his mom still insisted on sending him money all the time, which he spent. But having some of his own money made him feel good, and his jobs got him out in the world with people, which was really the whole point anyway. This was his third year at school and he still felt awkward and out of his element.

Jack had seen him around campus before. They didn’t have any classes together, but maybe they were in the same general area of study, because he saw him around a lot. He was always with a group, always the center of attention, totally cool and aloof. Jack imagined him to be highly intelligent and obnoxious with sarcastic wit. That was just the impression he got from watching him stalk around, moody and silent, then suddenly making a comment that had most of his friends laughing, but always leaving someone looking like they wanted to disappear. But they never did disappear, they were always there, trailing him around like his own little band of groupies.

They were a hodgepodge group, dressed in long coats and beat-up converse, old jeans and ratty looking pants showing out the bottoms of their coats, odd colored shirts and sweaters peeking out up above when their scarves got frisky and offered him a peek. Jack wasn’t fooled by their thrift store clothing, though. They were rich and good-looking, just giving life a go on the other side for fun.  Jack was good-looking too, no question there, but he didn’t have the spark they had to back it up. Handsome didn’t equal interesting or edgy or cool. Around here, he was just another pretty face in a huge crowd of super models. The girls noticed him, but one thing that college had taught him fairly early on.... girls didn’t do it for him. He liked boys.

And he'd had some, had a few, to be perfectly honest. Boys weren’t hard to come by in Washington, D.C. It was a far cry from Evansville, Indiana, where he was from, where being gay in high school was almost as uncool as having three eyes and a vagina growing out of your forehead. So he waited till college to test it out, but he'd known for a long time before.

Just like he’d known for a long time that he wanted.... him. But he was as out of Jack's reach as the quarterback he’d had a crush on his senior year in high school, even after he’d traded in his geeky glasses for contacts. Jack didn’t know where he could get a new personality, and he was pretty sure that was what he'd need to get his attention.

Jack didn’t even know his name. How lame was that? He was in heat for some guy and he knew nothing about him except that he stood no chance. He didn’t even know if he was gay, although he suspected he might be. His crowd was mostly guys, with a couple of girls thrown in but they were usually hanging on to another guy, sometimes each other. Jack had never seen him with a girl, so he had that little bit of hope, but unless dude choked on his banana while shopping in the bookstore and Jack had to jump in and do mouth to mouth, there wasn’t much chance that dude’s orientation would matter. He was playing in a whole different league from boring Jack.

Technically, you weren’t supposed to eat bananas in the bookstore, but Jack turned a blind eye to that, even though he and his friend were close enough now, rummaging through a display of greeting cards near the cash register, that he could smell the banana and it made his stomach growl because he was hungry. He kept his head down and stayed busy, but he could hear their conversation and listened in shamelessly. Maybe he would finally find out his name.

“Hey... check out the guy working the register. He’s hot,” his friend said, a girl with a ring in her nose and grape juice colored hair.

“Yeah, I know. Why do you think we’re here?”

“Oh.... why didn’t you say you were on the make? I’ve got a friend that wants to meet you.”

“Yeah, but I’ve already got somebody in mind, so save your friend for later, ok?”

“You know him?”

“No, just seen him around. He’s a geek or something, but what the fuck ever.... He’d fucking gorgeous and I wanna fuck him, not make conversation.”

“Why do you always say you’re gonna fuck somebody when you’re the biggest bottom this side of Kirstie Alley? When’s the last time you fucked anybody?”

“Goddamn you’re such a nosy bitch! I don’t tell you everyfuckingthing, you know. I top sometimes. I’m just a lazy ass in bed and I like having them work their asses off making me come. You’re the same way so shut the fuck up!”

“Yeah, but I don’t have a dick so I’ve got an excuse.”

“You can buy one for cheap at the sex shop.”

“I’ll be sure and put that on my shopping list.” Neither spoke for the next minute. Jack kept his head down, but he’d totally lost track of what he was doing. Since he was the only guy working behind the register, it had to be him they were talking about. He wanted to do something, but he had no idea what, so he just stood there, mouth dry, heart pounding, hard dick throbbing in his boring boxers, hoping like crazy that he was about to get lucky.

“So, what are you gonna do? Drag him home and tie him to your bed?”

“Hmm.... that’s actually not a bad idea..... I was thinking of just inviting him over for a drink, but maybe you’re right.... maybe that’s too subtle.”

She cackled at his sarcasm... Jack applauded himself for being right on that score at least. She didn’t seem bothered by it. They were obviously good friends, so maybe it was part of his charm. “Maybe, but probably not. Try the drink thing first. If that doesn’t work, then go for the caveman tactics.”

“Ok......... If you say so. I hope he puts out on the first date, though. It’s been so long I’ve almost forgotten how to do it.”

“Ennis. Get real. It was five weeks ago, if you’re being honest with me. Don’t worry... your butthole’s not gonna close up from lack of attention.”

He chuckled. “Thank God.... you know what a bear I am when I’m constipated, and that only ever lasts for a day or two.”

“Yeah, well you need to eat more prunes and get over that business. You’re obnoxious enough as it is.”

“Yes, Dr. Kim, thank you so much for that advice. Now I’m going to go throw myself at the checker boy. Watch my back, ok?”

“Yeah Romeo. Good luck. If you’re not his type, can I have a go at him?”


Jack watched him grab two cards without looking, then walk over to the register. He knew his face was red because he could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks. Ennis - finally he knew his name - took one look at him and smirked. “You weren’t listening in on our conversation, were you?”

“Ummmm......” Jack hadn’t expected him to be quite that blunt and he had no answer ready.

“Ok, so you were. So what’s your answer?” He leaned over the counter till their faces were close and Jack could smell his breath... clove cigarettes mixed with banana. “Wanna come to my place later for a drink?”

“Ummm..... yeah.” It was what he wanted, right along with graduating with a 3.5 or better, landing a good job straight out of school, and discovering the answer to world peace.

“OK. What time do you get off?”

“Right after you....”

He smiled again, even awarded Jack with a little laugh. “Cute.... stale, but cute. Can you be there by eight.”

“Yeah. We close at seven.”

“Ok. I’ve got wine and beer. Just bring yourself and your Trojans and we’ll be set.”

“’K.” They stared at each other for a minute, till Dr. Kim coughed and Jack looked over Ennis’s shoulder and saw someone coming to check out. “Where do you live?”

“Oh. Guess that’s need to know info, huh?” He took a pen out of the cup of pens for sale and Jack handed him a scrap of paper and he wrote out directions, with a big 8 at the end. “See you then,” he said, handing it to him.



Jack rang the doorbell at one minute till. He heard voices and footsteps. The footsteps were loud and echoy, sounded like boots on hardwood, no surprise since Ennis’s apartment was in a reclaimed warehouse overlooking the Potomac. It was bound to be nice. It was definitely expensive.

Jack was surprised at the voices, however. Unless he was mistaken, this was pretty much a date to fuck. Ennis hadn’t come across as being on the look out for a new friend, certainly not a long term lover. He hadn’t said anything about dinner, and he'd said he wasn't interested in conversation. He was just looking to get his prostate checked with a penis and Jack had caught his eye. Jack was willing and able... disappointed because he’d fantasized about more, but once his rational brain kicked in, he’d shut that line of thinking down cold. No point in setting himself up for heartbreak when he already had Ennis working hard to do that for him.

Ennis opened the door, still talking, just barely acknowledging Jack on his doorstep. Jack looked over his shoulder and saw a serious looking woman in a black business suit with blond hair pulled back in a tight bun. She was sitting on a long, leather sofa, typing on a laptop on the coffee table in front of her.

Ennis finally turned his attention on Jack, rolled his eyes and said, “Sorry.... just wrapping up some business.” He nodded carelessly towards the kitchen area. “Want to help yourself to a drink?”

The devil that lived deep inside of Jack Twist and almost never saw the light of day squirmed free of his tie-downs at that moment and Jack didn’t even try to catch him because what was the point? He certainly had nothing to lose. Jack shot a pointed look at Ennis’s crotch and touched his tongue to his top lip and said, “I’d hoped to.”

Ennis’s eyes flew wide at that and he cleared his throat, a small, quick noise but Jack knew he’d thrown him off with his unexpected flirting. “Yeah... ummm... well, ok, just give me a few minutes. I’ll hurry her up.”

“’K,” Jack said and wandered off to check out the big kitchen that took up one end of the huge room that was Ennis’s apartment. The countertops were marble or granite, he wasn’t sure which, dark brown and black speckles, and the tile floor was dark blackish gray, maybe slate. The appliances were all stainless steel, European brand names that he knew they didn’t carry at Home Depot. He went to the giant refrigerator and pulled open the door.

His own refrigerator at home, that he shared with three roommates, was filled with bottles of half used condiments with crusty bits of product stuck around the lids and boxes of old pizza and Chinese carry-out. Ennis’s fridge was full of wine and cheese and fresh fruit, along with one to go box from J. Paul’s, a seafood place on the main drag in Georgetown. Jack considered eating his leftovers, but contented himself with a beer he found stashed behind a bowl of chicken salad.

When Jack turned back to check on the status of the meeting, he found Ennis watching him, perched on the arm of his sofa. The woman was droning on blah blah about whatever, Jack couldn’t hear well enough to follow along and he didn’t care. He wanted sex, that was what he’d been summoned here for, and he was ready for her time to be over and his to start. Knowing that he was just a dick on legs to Ennis did nothing to dampen his own enthusiasm for the coupling, and the fact that Ennis was watching his every move stirred his devil once more.  Jack twisted the lid off the bottle, curled his fingers around the neck and stroked it up and down seductively a few times before finally lifting it slowly to his parted lips for a drink. Even from across the room, he could hear Ennis cough.

Jack smiled to himself and spent the next couple of minutes scoping out Ennis’s cabinets. He wasn’t hungry - at least not for food - but he was wearing his tightest jeans that made his ass look like the main course at a prime steakhouse... a guy had once used that line on him in a gay bar and he’d liked it.... The light blue t-shirt he was wearing didn’t hang down far enough to obscure the view, so he took his time, made sure Ennis didn’t miss a curve or a muscle.

Once he was done with his inspection, his cock was rock hard and throbbing with the thrill of teasing his fantasy man. The woman was still blabbing on, showed no signs of slowing down. Jack was revved up and ready for her to go. He hopped up on the island facing Ennis, spread his legs and palmed his hard-on. He rubbed his hand up and down his cock, squirmed and thrust his hips, smiled lazily at Ennis, whose mouth had fallen open at some point during the show. The woman rattled on, oblivious. Jack heard Ennis say, “Uh - huh.” He hoped he hadn’t just agreed to give away the farm....

Mmmmm.... on second thought, maybe it would serve him right.

After another minute, Jack realized that his dick was getting uncomfortable trapped in his extra tight jeans, so he unzipped them quietly, reached in and pulled it out of his fly...... Aaah, much better. He ringed his fingers around the base, stroked it just like he had the beer bottle a minute before. There was a loud noise over in the meeting area. When he looked up, Ennis was picking a book and some papers up off of the floor. The woman was bent over helping him. Ennis sent him an enraged look over her head. Jack just smiled and stroked some more.

He noticed her look up at Ennis’s face and dropped his t-shirt over his lap just in time as she glanced back at him, obviously realizing he had something to do with Ennis’s distraction. He smiled and tipped his beer at her. She returned his smile uneasily and went back to her monologue.

Ennis kept his focus on her until he heard the crinkly rip of the condom wrapper tearing open, then his eyes were all over Jack. Luckily she was reading something to him from her computer screen, so she didn’t notice. Jack took full advantage of the moment, stood his dick up tall and rolled the condom down slowly, working himself with his fingers, grimacing because it felt good and it was about to feel even better because he was fixing to get off, one way or another. In Ennis or in Ennis’s kitchen. Either one worked for him.

The condom seemed to do the trick, because suddenly Ennis was all business, explaining to the woman that he had another appointment and couldn’t keep his friend waiting any longer and they would have to pick this up another time. She shot a hostile look at Jack. He just smiled. He had his dick hidden under his t-shirt and blocked with his beer bottle too, but as soon as she turned back to Ennis he unveiled himself again and started stroking. Ennis turned her away from him and pointed her towards the door. She never stopped talking the entire time. Jack jumped off the counter, left his beer and followed them.

As soon as he heard the door open, he unbuttoned the top button of his jeans.

As soon as he heard the door close, he pounced on Ennis from behind and shoved him up against it. “Get ‘em off, get ‘em off, get ‘em off right now!”

Ennis was right with him, jerking at his belt. “Goddamn I’m trying, Jesus fuck what the hell were you trying to pull back there?” Ennis panted, jerking underneath him, bumping their bodies together, sending Jack’s control that much closer to the edge.

“You invited me over to fuck you, not take notes at your boring ass business meeting... now come on, hurry the fuck up!” Jack rasped, shoving his hands under the front of Ennis’s black and orange and yellow striped sweater that made Jack think of a huge candy corn. He found his nipples and twisted them roughly. Ennis yelled, “Oh shit!” and finally got his pants open and shoved down to his knees. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and Jack grabbed a handful of his bare ass immediately but it wasn’t enough.

“Off!! I want them all the way off!” he ordered, spread Ennis’s cheeks apart and settled his cock in the hot, sweaty groove at last and started humping.

Ennis was panting like a marathon runner on mile number twenty-five, jerking and kicking till his shoes flew off and the soft, black pants followed suit an instant later, landing in an inky puddle beside his big white feet.

Jack shoved the striped sweater all the way up to Ennis’s shoulders and bit him on the back, rocking his hips against Ennis and making them both quiver and moan. He felt his orgasm building already, way too soon, but he didn’t care, wasn’t in the mood to slow down and start over, was in the mood for hard and fast against the door that he’d be walking out of in just a few minutes, and if Ennis had hoped for more he should’ve made better plans.

Not wanting to be a total jerk, even though Ennis shouldn’t have an issue with that, Jack stuck his fingers in Ennis’s face and pressed them against his lips.  “Get ‘em wet... real wet... ‘cause this is the only lube you’re gonna get!” That wasn’t totally true, because the condom was lubed, but Jack didn’t feel like sharing that bit of information. Ennis opened his mouth, probably to cuss him, but Jack didn’t feel like hearing that either and shoved his fingers in and his legs went weak at the feel of Ennis’s hot wet mouth sucking him, his tongue bathing his fingers in spit.

The whole picture Ennis made for him was aphrodisiac made flesh.... his hands braced wide on the wall, his legs spread and his ass pushed out for him. It was all too much for Jack, his cock was aching to go off... he couldn’t wait anymore. “Enough!” he choked out, pulled his fingers free of Ennis's hot mouth and shoved them up his tight, hot ass. Ennis yelled, “Oh fuck!” but he rode Jack’s fingers like they were a high dollar dildo and Jack bit him again as he finger fucked his ass.

“Goddamn you’re so fucking tight!”

“No shit! It’s been a while,” Ennis panted, arms straining and hips pistoning as he rocked on Jack’s hand.

“Five weeks isn’t exactly worth crying over, dude,” Jack panted back.

“Yeah, but getting your asshole augured out to the next size up is!”

“Least you won’t have to worry about being constipated tomorrow,” Jack pointed out as he pulled his fingers free and seated his cock in their place. He felt Ennis shift and brace for him.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s not polite to eavesdrop, checker boy?”

“Not lately. And it’ll be a cold day in hell before I need a manner’s class from you, bottom boy!” Jack retorted, gave his hips a wicked sharp snap and drove straight in up to the hilt. Ennis’s moan was well worth his effort.

“Oh my God fucking shit you’re gonna rip me a new one!”

“Goddamn, you feel like a fucking virgin!”

“Jesus Fuck!”

“I am!”


“For real?”

“Yeah, do it!”

“I’m gonna come if I do....”

“I’m gonna come if you do too....”

“’K.... hang on....” and Jack watched as the lean muscles bunched in Ennis’s naked back and his fingers splayed wider on the door and his whole body flexed against him. Jack grabbed his sweat damp hips, dug his fingers in deep and let it fly, pounding into him for all he was worth, thigh muscles screaming, back breaking but fuck it was the best piece of ass he’d ever had and he might have to go to physical therapy tomorrow but he was giving this all he had tonight.

It didn’t take long, not more than a minute, maybe two, because they were both so close to the edge and Ennis was loud and demanding and that turned Jack on even more so that by the time Ennis shouted, “Thank fuck I’m there!” and squeezed down on him like a velvet fist, Jack had nothing left to go on and followed him right over the edge into sweet, nasty oblivion.

Jack let himself lay on Ennis’s back for a minute while they came back from the depths or the heights or wherever you went after a fuck like that, even allowed himself one small kiss that didn’t leave teeth marks, soft and gentle in the curve of Ennis’s neck, but then he backed away, dropped the condom on the floor and zipped up his jeans. He gave Ennis a none-too-gentle swat on the ass. “Ok, dude, thanks for the beer and the booty, but I gotta get going.”

Ennis turned around slowly, a damp, sweaty, well-fucked mess, his eyes still soft and dazed. “What?”

“I gotta go, man.”

“What the fuck? You just got here...” Ennis looked confused.

“No, actually I’ve been here for almost an hour. And all you asked me over for was a drink and a fuck. I’ve had those. Now I’m hungry and I wanna go crash on my couch and watch some tv. So I gotta go.”

“I’ve got food. I’ve got a tv.”

“That wasn’t part of the deal.”

“You’re really leaving?” He didn’t look confused anymore, not mad either, just curious.

“Yeah. I am.”

Still naked and showing no concern about it, Ennis slid to the side so Jack could open the door. “Damn..... Well, ok... thanks for the memories, I guess. Maybe I’ll see you around some time.”

Jack shrugged. “Maybe. That’s up to you. You know where to find me.” With a small smile and their first fleeting kiss on the lips, Jack opened the door they'd just fucked on and walked away. And for the first time since he’d come to town three years ago, he didn't feel awkward or backward or shy. He felt right in his element.

lovefest, oneshot

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