The Preacher's Son - Part 2

Mar 05, 2008 00:41

Ennis heard the car pulling up the driveway and he squeezed down even farther into the shrubs. It was mid October and dark, so he wasn’t really worried about being seen, but still... this was an important night and he didn’t want to take any chances. The garage door opened as the car drove past. Seconds later, Ennis heard all four doors slamming as they got out: the reverend, Jack’s mom, Jack and his little sister. He heard voices, everyone but Jack’s, who he imagined was sulled up and silent because of what was about to happen. Even though his own dad hadn’t spanked him in years, Ennis remembered what it was like and his own butt clenched in sympathy.

The house door slammed soon after, and Ennis squatted into position by the study window. Jack’s house had tall windows that went almost from the floor to the ceiling and the study curtains were never closed more than half way. From his hiding place in the shrubbery, Ennis had a perfect view of the room.

They didn’t keep him waiting long. Jack’s dad showed up just a few minutes after they got home, went straight to his desk and started praying. Ennis thought that was weird. Was he asking God if he should really beat his kid? Ennis had a feeling God would probably say, “No, go kick that kid’s ass who’s hiding in your bushes, fixing to turn your boy gay.” One of them must not’ve been paying attention, though, because after a few more minutes Jack walked in, looking scared and mad, and Reverend Twist finished off his prayer and started in to bitching. Ennis was safe and the whuppin’ was on.

The rumble of the reverend’s voice carried through the window, although not the words themselves. Jack had his head down, nodding, and Ennis could see his lips move every so often, couldn’t hear him at all but could read “Yes, sir” and “No, sir,” and “I’m sorry.” Ennis didn’t understand why Jack didn’t just rat him out, but that had never seemed to be an option as far as Jack was concerned. From what Ennis could see, he didn’t make any excuses, just listened and said what he was expected to say.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes, when Ennis’s thighs were starting to cramp from squatting for so long, the lecture was done and it was time for action. Reverend Twist went to his desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a long, thin paddle. Ennis looked from the paddle to Jack’s face, saw the look of ‘oh shit’ resignation there. He was tempted to set off their car alarm, but that probably wouldn’t get Jack out of trouble, just delay it. Besides, Ennis had plans that required this whipping take place in order to work.

The reverend’s voice rumbled some more and Jack ducked his head once more and stepped up close to the desk. Ennis expected him to take one more step and bend over it, but instead he stopped short, about a foot away, and his hands moved slowly to the button on the front of his khaki pants. Ennis watched, mouth hanging open, as Jack undid his pants and shoved them down his thighs, then even more slowly did the same with his boxers. He was wearing a short sleeved polo shirt that hung long in the back, short in the front, leaving his dick naked and exposed.

Ennis was totally unprepared for that, and the shock of it hit him so hard that he lost his balance and had to grab the shrub to keep from falling into the window, but the end result was the same, a noise against the window pane. Jack’s dad was talking but Jack wasn’t listening anymore. He was staring right through the glass at Ennis, and pissed as hell didn’t even begin to cover the look on his face.

The talking at last seemed to be over, because suddenly Jack braced himself on the desk and stuck his ass out for his dad to whack on. Ennis knew he was going to be in serious trouble for staying, but he couldn’t tear himself away. The spectacle of Jack’s dick and balls swinging in the breeze and his ass pushed out in one of Ennis’s favorite fantasy positions, was more than he could walk away from, even with Jack’s accusing glare shooting blue daggers of fury right through the window and into his heart. Ennis knew he’d have a hell of a job making up for this, but he was up for the challenge.

Whack!!!! The reverend slammed the paddle down hard on Jack’s ass and Jack finally made a noise that Ennis could hear. Ennis tore his eyes away from Jack’s shocked face to watch the action going on at his rear, saw the wind-up, the delivery, watched Jack’s round butt cheeks go flat at the next impact, heard the thwack of the wood, then the cry of his boy, and it was almost too much for Ennis to bear. His emotions were all over the place... lust at the gorgeous picture Jack made with his pants down and his boy parts on display, anger at his unfair father for treating him like this, even some fear since he’d promised Jack he’d take the same punishment from him this weekend.

Mostly it was lust though, love and lust and impatience for it to be over so he could take his turn with Jack. If Jack would let him. Ennis looked back and forth between Jack’s miserable face and his tormented ass, but he knew that Jack never once took his eyes off his face the entire time, and the expression Jack was wearing did not bode well for Ennis’s future plans, not at all.

After the first few swats, Ennis kept his gaze locked with Jack’s because he couldn’t stand to watch the spanking itself anymore. He’d started out counting but had no idea how many swats Jack was in for, lost track after number eleven. He saw the tears start to flow, saw how hard Jack was fighting to keep from sobbing. He wondered if Jack usually cried, if he was holding back because of him. One more thing for Jack to hold against him, if that was the case.

Finally and at last it was done with one final, extra hard smack, and Jack stood up and yanked his pants up immediately. His dad had some more words for him... just like Sunday mornings at church, the man never knew when to shut up. Jack fidgeted and squirmed during the follow-up lecture, then his dad came up and hugged him - geez oh fucking Pete, enough already! - and then Jack was free.

By the time Ennis made it around to the back yard, climbed the old oak tree and sidled down the thick branch to Jack’s room, Jack was already there with the lights out. Ennis couldn’t take a chance on calling out to him so he dug his phone out of his pocket while hanging on to the branch and sent him a text message. “Let me in.”

Within a minute his phone vibrated and he read the message Jack had sent back. “Go fuck yourself.”

Hmmm......... “No. Let me in.”

“No fucking way!”

“Why not?”

Silence....... “Because,” finally flashed on his screen.

“That’s dumb. I’m getting cold. Let me in.”

Silence..... then the sound of the window latch clicking open and the window sliding up. Once it was wide enough for him to crawl through, Ennis took the big scary step from the tree to the ledge. Jack caught his hand and hauled him in. Not surprisingly, he ended up falling on the floor. Jack ignored him, slid the window shut and fell face down on his bed. It was a double bed, plenty of room for him, so Ennis lay down beside him. Jack was naked except for his boxers.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what, making that happen or watching it happen? They both suck, you know! Why the fuck did you have to watch, huh?” His voice was weak and full of tears and Ennis wanted more than anything to roll up next to him and hold him, like they did most nights after Jack went to sleep, but since he was still awake that probably wouldn’t fly.

Ennis tried to stick with his smartass persona, since that’s what Jack would be expecting. “Chill dude. It’s not like I’ve never seen your dick before. Damn! Besides, you’re gonna be doing that to me this weekend. I got a right to see what I’m signing up for, don’t I?”

Jack lifted his face up to glare at Ennis. “You better not even think about trying to get out of it, especially not now. Have ya’ll got a paddle at your house?”

Ennis shook his head, grinning. Jack was all about the details. “Nope. My dad isn’t into that shit anymore. Me and my sister are too old. He just grounds us.” Ennis looked over at Jack, saw how annoyed he looked and relented some. “We’ve got ping pong paddles though. Bet those’ll work.”

Jack rewarded him with a nod, but no smile, nothing encouraging. “Yeah, I can wear your ass out with one of them, no problem.”

“Must hurt.”

“Duh! Feels like I sat on a fuckin’ hornet’s nest.”

“How come you got your boxers on? It’s pretty cool in here. Bet the cool air’d make it feel better.”

“Nothin’s gonna make it feel better but time. And beating on your ass this weekend... That’ll  help.”

“Damn... you got a bad case of blood lust going on, man. Bet your dad don’t preach that on Sunday mornings!”

“Yeah, well fuck him!”

Ennis had never heard Jack say anything so bad about his dad before. He was seriously pissed. “Yeah, for real, man. He’s got no right treatin’ you that way.”

“No, but I’m stuck with it, you know. If he catches me doing anything he doesn’t like, that’s what happens, as long as I’m living in his house.”

“Guess I can see why you don’t wanna take many chances.”

“Yeah, Ennis. I want to try things, sure I do, but I just can’t deal with that happening all the time.”

“Mmm.... I don’t blame you. I’m real sorry I got you into trouble.”

“Me too,” Jack agreed, but he didn’t sound quite so mad as before, just sleepy and hurt. It was time to make his move.

“Hey - I know something that’ll help you feel better, like right now, this instant....”

“What?” Jack asked, in his goin’ to sleep voice.

“A massage.”

Jack cracked open one eye, focused on Ennis in the shadowy room. “Huh?”

“A massage.”

“Who’s gonna give me a massage? I don’t see any massage girls hanging around here,” he said, even went so far as to raise his head up and look around, in case he’d missed something.

“Me, doofus.”

“You! You wanna massage my ass? Isn’t that, like, totally gay?”

“No, man... it’d be like a sports massage.”

“A sports massage?” Jack repeated, skeptical.

“Yeah. Sure. Like... you know... when you take a killer hit or fall an’ bust your ass. They give you a rub down so your muscles don’t get all stiff an’ sore. All the big teams have people hired on to do that stuff. It’d be a sweet gig, I think.”

“You’re thinking of becomin’ a massage person?”

“Maybe. I’d get to travel and hang with the pro athletes. That’d be cool as hell.”

“Hmmm... I guess. I didn’t know you were that into sports.”

“I’m not, but that’s ok. It’d still be a cool job. I haven’t decided for sure though. That’s how come I wanna practice on you. See what it’s like.” Ennis nudged him with his shoulder. “Plus, I feel bad for what your dad did to you. This’ll help.”

“First, you got me beat, which you watched, which is totally fucked up, and now you wanna experiment on me..... What the fuck, Ennis? Is there anything else I can do for you today?”

Ennis clamped down on the yes that was aching to fly out of his mouth. Instead, he said, “I wouldn’t do this for just anybody, Jack. You oughta be thanking me.”

“And you’re sure it’s not too gay or anything?” Jack asked, still sounding uncertain, but he was giving in. Ennis could always tell when he was winning the war against Jack’s defenses. His whole body shivered with excitement just from the tone in Jack’s voice.

“No man, it’s cool, I promise. Now get your boxers off. I’ll be right back,” Ennis said, leaving the bed and heading for the door.

“Where’re you going?” he asked, sounding confused.

“To the bathroom to get some lotion. You can’t do a massage without lotion.”

Three minutes later he was back in Jack’s bedroom with a bottle of baby lotion he’d snagged from the bathroom Jack shared with his little sister Tess. He shut the door, flicked the lock into place and headed for the bed. Jack was still in his boxers.

“Damn dude. Can’t you take simple instructions? Ditch the shorts.”

“You sure you wanna do this, Ennis? I mean, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. It hurts and all, but I’m not gonna die from it or anything.”

“Sure. It’s no big thing. It’s just skin. Don’t worry about it.” He dropped the lotion on the bed and climbed up behind Jack. “Raise up,” he said, grabbing a bit of the boxers in each hand, and when Jack obeyed, he pulled them down and off and tossed them onto the floor. Even in the shadowy moonlight, he could see the deep red of Jack’s skin and his heart contracted with guilt and his muscles tensed in anger. He couldn’t beat up Jack’s dad though, not without really serious repercussions to both of them, so the best thing he could do was take away the pain. He curled his fingers, laid the back of them lightly against one butt check. Jack flinched, and Ennis could feel the fiery hot burn on his own skin. Damn. He hoped, for more reasons than one, that when Jack was done rulin’ on him this weekend, he’d give a career in massage therapy a minute’s consideration as well.

Ennis punched the music button on Jack’s clock radio for cover in case he made any uncontrollable, give-away noises, then squeezed his palm full of lotion. It was cold and he rubbed it around to warm it before finally taking the step that was going to set him on his path to destiny, either heart break or ecstasy. Ennis didn’t know which it would be but he was ready to find out.

His hands were trembling, long fingers spread wide as he covered Jack’s butt cheeks with his palms and began rubbing. Jack moaned, but probably from pain. Ennis clamped his lips shut tight, trying not to answer back. He decided not to do anything deep, just stick to simple rubbing. He remembered back when he was little and still got spankings, how he’d always rub his butt for a long time afterwards to make the pain go away. That’s what he intended to do for Jack.

Of course, what he was doing for himself was something entirely different. He actually felt a twinge of guilt for how much touching Jack was turning him on. It was his fault this had happened, his boy had been hurt and humiliated all because of him, and although he hadn’t enjoyed watching the spanking, he was enjoying the hell out of this. His dick was aching to get out of his jeans and help, to rub on Jack’s leg, to trace the dark, shadowy line splitting his bottom, the crevice that Ennis was trying so hard to stay away from, but he was losing the fight with every sweep of his hands over Jack’s rear.

The room was almost dark, dapples from the full moon filtering through the windows, highlighting some areas, concealing others. The bed, and Jack, were mostly cloaked in shadows, but Ennis could still see the outline of his slim body, and there was a small circle of moonlight illuminating the side of his face. Jack’s eyes were closed but his lips were parted and as Ennis’s thumbs drifted into dangerous territory, he saw Jack’s lips make an ‘O’ of surprise. Ennis made his own ‘O’ when Jack wiggled his hips, pushing back into Ennis’s hands and scooting his legs just a tiny bit further apart.

Ennis had been about to ask him how it felt, if he was doing ok, but Jack had just given him his answer to that question, so he kept quiet, didn’t want to take a chance on spoiling anything for his friend. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure if Jack even remembered it was him back there or if he was just so lost in the feeling that he didn’t care anymore. They’d talked about almost everything since they’d become friends, but Jack would never say much when it came to sex. Ennis hadn’t pushed, because he wasn’t ready to tell Jack the truth about himself and he’d rather skip it than tell a bunch of lies that might cause problems later. But, based on what Jack hadn’t said, Ennis suspected that this was his very first sexual experience with another person. Just knowing that made Ennis smile, and even though his own body was taunt with need and desperate for release, and even though he had everything he’d ever wanted spread out before him, Ennis held back. This was for Jack, only for him, so Ennis kept rubbing and kneading, his hands spreading Jack’s cheeks, his thumbs rubbing harder towards his center, and when Jack’s bottom started a rhythmic thrusting into the bed, Ennis ignored it and kept up the massage, and when Jack moaned and his hips jerked roughly into the bedding, Ennis soothed him with gentle rubs and longer strokes up his back until the spasms passed and he was calm.

When it was all over, Ennis lay back in his spot next to Jack, on his side so they were face to face. “Was that ok? Make you feel better?”

Jack’s eyes drifted open slowly and he peered out from his long, sooty eyelashes, sleepiness and satisfaction thick in his voice. “Mmm... yeah, feel lots better now.”

“That’s good, Jack. Go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

A/N: It's possible I might write a bit more of this. Not sure. We'll see. :)

Already, here's a bit more;

lovefest, the preacher's son

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