Goin' Fishin', Chapter 5, Reelin' Him In

Aug 12, 2007 17:14

Author's Note: Thanks for your patience while I rested my brain on the banks of the Saint Vrain River. I think I'm ok for a while, but this is, officially, a storyette, and there will be more chapters of it later on, between other stuff. For now, the AKL boys have gotten busy again, so I'm off to Memphis to see what they're up to. That should be up towards the end of the week. Hugs to all. Thanks for reading! S!

Regardless of how drunk they were, they had to put away all the food and trash and clean up their dishes before they put themselves down for the night or they might wake up to find a bear paying them a visit. Ennis put everything away while Jack weaved a crooked path back down to the river and shivered at the water’s edge washing dishes.

When he got back to camp, Ennis was nowhere to be seen. Jack looked where he’d last seen their toilet stuff, and it was missing, and he could see a dim glow from a flashlight out in the woods. Fine. As long as he hadn’t run away or gotten abducted by space aliens, Jack was satisfied.

Jack crawled into the tent, tried to set things back to rights as best he could, put Ennis’s sleeping bag back on one side of the space and arranged his on the other. They’d be sleeping inside them tonight since it was going to be chilly, already all the way down into the sixties and the temperature was still dropping, Once their sleeping situation was pretty well organized, Jack found his travel bag, pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste, took the bottle of water that was still lying there from his early morning blow job - which he didn’t need to be thinking about at this point because who knew how long Ennis’s stubborn streak was going to last - and stumbled back out into camp.

He was still brushing his teeth when Ennis came into view. They didn’t say anything, but Ennis got stuff from his bag, took the bottle of water from Jack and did his teeth too. Jack fished a fresh bottle of water out of the cooler and they were set. To sleep. Yeah.

They crawled into the tent still wearing their clothes and went to their separate corners. It was almost pitch dark inside the tent since the sky was hung low with rain clouds and the moon and stars were totally hidden from view. Jack slid his shorts down, kicked them to the side and eased himself into his bag. He listened to the sounds of Ennis getting ready for bed, the metallic scrape of zippers and the rustling of fabric as he got undressed and settled into his bag. Finally he quit moving and everything was quiet except for the gentle sounds of their breathing.

“Night, Ennis.”

“Night Jack.”


Jack didn’t so much wake up as just drift slowly back into consciousness sometime later, knew almost immediately where he was - in a tent on the banks of the Saint Vrain River.... with Ennis. Ennis’s forecast had been right... he could hear the dull patter of rain on the tent, but he was dry and warm, so Ennis must’ve been right about how great his tent was too. He could hear Ennis moving around behind him, making about as much noise as a person could possibly make with a sleeping bag. Jack wasn’t sure what he was up to, didn’t really care much, was content just to lie there, still dozy with sleep, and see how things went.

Jack knew enough about Ennis by now to know that he was a total sucker for what he wanted. He might struggle and fight and try to resist, but eventually the pull of his craving would win out and he’d cave in like a house of cards. Ennis was way more passionate about things than he let on.  Jack knew Ennis wanted this thing between them regardless of what he said - that had been hugely obvious during their confrontation by the river when Ennis had gotten hard just watching him bathe. For whatever reason that Jack still didn’t understand, he wanted it too. He had no idea what they were going to do with it, long term, or how it was going to affect their lives overall, but at the moment, he didn’t care. Tonight it was just the two of them, and tonight, it was his turn.

Ennis got still for a minute and Jack heard the long, slow grate of a zipper being lowered. He could feel Ennis moving closer, then he was leaning over him and Jack heard the sound of a second zipper giving way as Ennis opened Jack’s bag. Ennis pulled the top half off Jack, leaving him exposed just long enough to feel a draft of cool air before the chill was chased away with body heat as naked skin pressed up against his back. Ennis dragged his bag up over them both and settled in, wrapped his arm around Jack’s waist.

“What’re you doin’, Ennis?” Jack mumbled sleepily.

“Nothin’,” Ennis murmured back, his voice dark and low, barely more than a breath on Jack’s skin.

“Doesn’t feel like nothin’ to me,” Jack said, wiggling his butt back into Ennis’s body, rubbing against the definite something that was pushing at him.

“Well it is,” Ennis answered, quiet. “Was just gettin’ cold is all.”

Jack laughed softly at that lie, waking up some. “Bullshit, Ennis. That sleepin’ bag’s good down to forty below.”

“Hmmph. Thought you might be gettin’ cold. You’re always bitchin’ about it.”

“My bag’s the same as yours - remember? You made me get one when you ordered yours.”

“Mmm.... oh yeah.” Ennis was quiet for a minute, then asked, “Am I botherin’ you?” and Jack could hear in his tone that Ennis was worried he might say yes.

He didn’t though, because Ennis wasn’t bothering him at all, was doing just what he’d expected him to do - and what he’d wanted him to do. “No Ennis, you’re fine.”

“’K. Shut up then and go back to sleep.”

Jack twisted his butt against the hardness prodding it. “You sure?”

“Yeah. Just wanna sleep right now.”

Jack snuggled back into him, and Ennis hugged him up just a little bit tighter. “’K. Wake me up when you’re ready to jump.”

“I will.”


Then next time Jack woke up, he was alone in their sleeping bag bed. He scooted back to see if they’d just drifted apart in their sleep, but no..... the spot behind him was warm but empty.

“Ennis? You here?”

“Yeah.” His voice came from over by the tent door.

“What’re you doin’?”

“Takin’ a piss,”

“In the tent?”

“No dumbass! I’m hanging it out the flap. It’s still rainin’ and I ain’t goin' out there and gettin’ all wet ‘n muddy.”


After a minute, there were more zipper noises as Ennis closed the flap back, then he was scooting back towards his spot. Jack lay still, wondering what Ennis was going to do next, wondering if it was time. Maybe not, because although Ennis crawled in next to him, he didn’t curl up with him like he’d done before, lay on his back instead with his hands under his head.

Jack decided he probably ought to pee too, so he did, felt the cold, damp breeze on his lower parts as he kneeled in front of the open flap. When he was done, he hurried back under the covers, awake now and excited by the cold and the rain and their total isolation. Ennis still had his head pillowed on his hands, but Jack’s eyes had gotten adjusted to the gloom at last, and he could see that Ennis was watching him.

“So......” Jack rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand. They stared at each other in the near darkness, both quiet for a while, just looking, the sounds of the rain on the tent and the wind in the trees their background music.

Finally Ennis spoke. “You ever do anything like this with anybody else?”

Jack had been wondering if he might go there. “Mmm.... maybe, kinda.....”

Ennis didn’t say a word, just rolled away from him, towards his side of the tent. Jack felt a jolt in his stomach at the instant withdrawal, but he stayed quiet, and in just a few seconds there was a small noise, then light. Ennis turned the lantern to its lowest setting and shoved it into the far corner of the tent, so the tent was still dim and shadowy, but there was enough of a glow that they could see each other’s face. Jack could see other stuff too, because Ennis was naked. Jack was still wearing his t-shirt and boxers.

“Tell me about it,” Ennis said as he slid back under the sleeping bag, stuck his hands back under his head.

Jack sat up, had a sip of water, remembering. “Not much to tell. I don’t even know if it counts, really. It was back when I was in college, my freshman year. Me and my roommate used to beat off together......” Jack smiled a little at the old memory, and his dick started getting hard... just like old times.

“What do you mean? You did each other?”

“No, we never touched each other or anything. We’d just sit on our beds and jack off, you know... see who could come first, or last, or longest.... It was mostly a game, I guess. We were just horny all the time, and neither one of us was datin’ anybody, so that’s what we did.”

“Did you wanna do more?” Ennis asked. They stared at each other for a minute, brown eyes curious and searching, blue ones wary.

“Maybe,” Jack answered at last. He’d never admitted it to anyone before, not really even to himself, but considering what he and Ennis had done so far, he didn’t see how Ennis could hold it against him. “But we never did, and then I started dating a girl in my English class and he moved out at the end of the semester and that was that. I never saw him again.”

“So what’re you doin’ now, Jack? With me? Scratchin’ that ol’ itch leftover from your college days?”

The mood between them shifted, and Jack was done with one-sided soul-baring. “What difference does it make?”

“Just wanna know what’s in it for you.......”

Jack shrugged, had no idea what the answer was to that question. “Same thing that’s in it for you, I guess. How come you wanted to do it?”

Ennis blew out a long, tired sounding breath, drug his hands out from behind his head and scrubbed them over his face, then started fidgeting with his fingers. “Just tired of my shit life, I guess. Everything’s all perfect-lookin’ on the outside, but I hate it. Nothing between me and Alma any more but space.... I just wanted to feel what it was like to be with somebody who liked me, made me feel good about myself,” Ennis confessed, staring at his fingers, refusing to meet Jack’s eyes.   “Got to lookin’ at the people around me when I was happy, and it turned out it was always you I was seein’. You makin’ me laugh with your stupid jokes, you takin’ me serious when I wanna do crazy shit normal people won’t do, sayin’ thanks when I get something right, not giving me hell when I don’t......”

Jack didn’t say anything, partly because he didn’t know what to say, and partly because there was a big lump in his throat and he wasn’t sure he could get any words out. The silence lasted till Ennis finally asked, “You think I’m crazy for wantin’ this?”

“Do you?”

Ennis smiled, but it was half-hearted with a lot of sad in it. “Yeah, kinda. I mean, fuck, Jack.... we’re both married, we got kids. Guys at work’ll never let us live it down if they find out. Can you even imagine that shit? What’re we supposed to do?”

“Do like everybody else out there that’s sleepin’ around. Just keep our mouths shut about it.”

“People still know.”

“Yeah, they figure other people out when they start hanging out together all the time, taking their breaks together and shit. We already do that. Everybody knows we’re friends. They ain’t gonna figure any different.” Jack grinned and poked him in the ribs. “Just don’t start callin’ me babe and grabbin’ my ass in the control room and we’ll be fine!”

Ennis shot an uncertain look up at him and Jack felt his heart squeeze a little bit more at the hope he saw glimmerin’ in those chocolate brown eyes. “So you wanna do this? For real? You ain’t gonna get home tomorrow and freak the fuck out?”

Jack had another drink of water while he thought about that. Ennis deserved the truth, but Jack wasn’t sure what that was. “Are you?”


“How do you know? You were freaked as shit about it earlier today.”

“I was freakin’ out ‘cause of you, Jack. Yeah, I’m scared for myself, but at least I’ve had some time to think on it.  I just don’t feel right draggin’ you off into some weird shit that’s gonna fuck up your whole life without you gettin’ a chance to think about it.”

“Hmmph! Back to what I was sayin’ earlier - it’s interestin’ how you had that fit of conscience after you fucked me.”

Jack could see Ennis struggling to keep his lips from twitching, but it was a losing battle. “Figured I needed to give you somethin’ to think on.”

Jack dropped down beside Ennis then, ran his hand across his hard, flat belly, their first real touch since they’d woken up this time. “Well you did, and I’ve thought on it, and now I’m ready for my turn.”

Ennis grinned. “Arm wrestle me for it..... best outta three.”

Jack grinned back, but his smile was wicked and full of the devil, and he climbed on top of Ennis, kneeing his legs apart and settling in between them. “No fuckin’ way! I’m havin’ your ass tonight. We can arm wrestle or flip a coin or what the fuck ever next time,” he said agreeably, “but I’m gettin’ my piece tonight, buddy. You may as well quit your bitchin’ and get ready!” Jack thrust against him for emphasis, his cock already hard and anxious for action.

“Just like that, huh?” Ennis asked, but a softness had come over his face, and he spread his legs a little wider, ran his hands up Jack’s back, under his t-shirt.

“Yeah..... just like that,” Jack answered, the smartass gone from his tone, and he was staring down into his best friend’s face like he was seeing him for the first time, seeing beauty where he’d never thought to find it, want radiating back out of those dark brown eyes, lips he’d watched talking a million times now parting for his kiss. Jack felt his heart beating heavy in his chest as Ennis pushed his shirt up and over his head. Jack shimmied out of his boxers in an instant, and as soon as his clothes were gone and their skin was touching, Jack knew that this - them being together - was right, and that he’d fight whatever battle he had to fight to keep it.

Jack moved up on Ennis’s body till they were eye to eye, then leaned down and kissed him, soft gentle kisses at first, testing the fit of their mouths, the rub of their stubble.... tasting Ennis’s skin, flicking his tongue at the corners of his mouth, pulling back when Ennis tried to catch him. Ennis tolerated that for a little while, but he knew what he wanted too, and after a bit of teasing, he speared his fingers in Jack’s hair and pulled him down hard and they were kissing full on then, jabbing their tongues together eagerly as they ground their lips together.

But where Ennis was hot and rough, ready to run full bore to the finish line, Jack was slow and thorough. He liked making love, enjoyed the long, drawn out touching and teasing, but it had been so long since he’d gotten to do it that way. Whenever he and Lureen had sex anymore, it was more like a mad dash to get it done, a couple of minutes of kissing, squeeze and suck, fuck fuck fuck and it was over and they could go to sleep or get back to whatever they’d rather be doing. She used to enjoy sex, and although their lovemaking probably never measured up - in her eyes - to what she read every night in her romance novels, it had been a lot better than it was now. Now Jack was pretty sure they’d both just as soon skip it.

But Jack didn’t want to skip this, and he didn’t want to rush it either, wanted to take his time and do it right, get the most out of it for himself, give Ennis everything he could. So when Ennis tried to rush him, rutting up into him with strong, aggressive thrusts, Jack drug his mouth away, soothed his lips across Ennis’s hot face and pushed himself off of Ennis’s body.

“You’re goin’ too fast, Ennis.... slow down......” Jack whispered, dropping feather-light kisses across his cheekbone, drifting down to his strong, square jaw.

Ennis said “Sorry....” but he didn’t ease up the hold he had on Jack’s ass, pulling hard to bring their bodies back together.

“Why’re you in such a hurry? Damn, Ennis! It’s barely even dawn, rainin’ its ass off out there..... not like we got anything else to do. You that desperate to get my dick inside of you?” Jack pulled back enough so that he could see Ennis’s face, caught the look of need there before Ennis blinked it away.

“Just horny, Jack...... It’s been awhile for me.”

“Yeah, like about twenty-four hours! I was there, remember?”

Ennis got a sheepish look on his face. “I mean before that. I got some lost time to make up for here.”

Jack could definitely relate to that. “I know what you mean. Thing is, I don’t know when we’ll get to do this again, and I don’t want you rushin’ me, ok?”

Ennis stared up at him, blank, and it suddenly occurred to Jack that Ennis might not like all the extra touching and stuff that he liked to do. When Ennis had been in charge this morning, he’d kept things pretty basic. Did he think this was too much, too weird? “Unless you just want me to hurry up and get it over with. If that’s what you want, guess I can do that.”

“What do you wanna do?”

“I wanna do everything, Ennis. I like sex, all of it - just ‘cause I’m doing it with you don’t change that.”

“Ok...... I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to do stuff maybe you didn’t want to do,” Ennis mumbled, and Jack could tell he was embarrassed.

Jack settled back down on him, started kissing him again. “There ain’t nothing I don’t want to do, Ennis..... I wanna try it all least once, don’t you?”

“Mmmm... sure.”

That was good enough for Jack, and he went back to work on Ennis then, kissing his way down his neck and onto his chest, sucking hairy nipples into his mouth..... mmmm..... different, but not bad, and Ennis seemed to like it. He nipped a pink tip with his teeth and Ennis writhed beneath him like a wild thing. Jack kept at him, inching slowly south, nuzzling in the fur around his navel, pressing wet kisses on his hot skin, and even though Ennis wasn’t making much noise, Jack could tell from the tension in his body and the iron in his grip that he was getting close to the edge.

By the time Jack got eye level with Ennis’s dick, he knew that play time was almost over.... they were both at the end of their collective rope. He blew softly on the head of Ennis’s uncut cock, heard Ennis moan, felt him clench up even tighter. Jack kissed all around where it lay on his abdomen, buried his nose in Ennis’s dark blond curls and sniffed him, the smell strong and musty, but Jack liked it and it sent yet another jolt of need clamping down on his balls. Shit! He wanted to do it all, but there was just no way..... his dick was rubbing on the flannel every time he moved, and Ennis was moaning soft and constant now, rocking up into him, fingers grabbing fistfuls of the bag they were laying on to keep from taking over. Just a taste, just one taste of his dick, and then he’d move on..... Jack grabbed the base of Ennis’s cock and nuzzled the tip, smearing the wetness around with his lips before he flicked his tongue out and licked right across the top.....

Ennis let go of the sleeping bag then, growled like he was being mauled and drug Jack off his dick and up into his arms. “Listen...” he panted, desperate, “it’s good that you like doing that stuff, and maybe someday I’ll be able to just lay still and let you do it, but today ain’t the day, bud. I’m about two seconds away from shooting my load... you got somethin’ else you wanna do, you better get to doin’ it!”

Jack grinned down at him. “So you liked that, huh?” he teased, grinding their cocks together just for fun, just to see how much more Ennis could take.

“Jack.... I ain’t foolin’,” Ennis ground out harshly. “Either you do it or I’m goin’ to!”

Play time was definitely over. “Ok, I’m ready. Where’s the stuff?”

Ennis reached behind his head, pulled a condom and the lube out from under his pillow and held it out to him. Their eyes met and held when Jack took it. “You sure you’re ok with this, Ennis? If you’re not, now’s the time to say.......” Even though he’d insisted on having his turn, when it came right down to it, Jack didn’t want Ennis to feel trapped into doing something he didn’t really want to do.

But Ennis nodded and said, “I’m ok,” and Jack could tell he was being honest, so he kneeled between Ennis’s spread thighs, ripped open the package and quickly fit the condom onto his dick and rolled it down his shaft. Ennis watched with wide eyes and parted lips till he was ready, then took the lube from him, drizzled a fine stream on Jack’s dick and slicked him up. This was the first time Ennis had touched him intimately this time around, and watching Ennis stroke him, feeling his long, hard fingers curled so tight around his aching cock, was almost Jack’s undoing. Ennis’s eyes gleamed through his lashes as he watched Jack’s face and saw the effect he was having. “Feel good?”

“Oh yeah.... fuck yeah......” After a minute of stroking, Jack grabbed his wrist. “Shit, Ennis, you gotta stop! Come on..... let’s do this while I still can.”

Ennis pushed himself up on his elbows, pulled Jack’s face to his and they kissed one last time, and with his other hand Ennis rubbed their cocks together till Jack felt like he was going to explode. “You’re fuckin’ killin’ me... you know that, don’t you? This is gonna be the fastest fuck on record!” Jack whispered against his mouth, and Ennis grinned, and for the first time since they’d left the tent that morning he looked totally at ease with himself and what they were doing. Jack kissed him again just for that, then Ennis twisted away, kneeled down and presented his ass to Jack.

Jack moved up close behind him and ran his hands up and down Ennis’s long back, the skin hot and damp with sweat even in the cool night. He leaned down and kissed his smooth, taut flesh, partly because he wanted to and partly to give himself a minute to calm down. He didn’t want to shoot the very second he got in, but the way he was feeling now, that seemed like something he needed to worry about. So he stroked Ennis’s back some more, then moved up over him and drew his tongue slowly down the length of his spine while his hands played underneath, stroking his belly and his cock, and he filled himself up with everything that was Ennis...... breathing in his smells, tasting his sweat, listening to him moan and beg in desperate whispers.......

“Please Jack, please......” when he licked across his shoulder.......

“I don’t think I can take any more...” when he bit down on the tender skin in the curve of his neck and sucked......

“Shit Jack, I need to come so bad....” when he rubbed his balls from behind, cupping them and squeezing them just to the point of pain......

“Please don’t make me wait anymore.... fuck Jack I’m hurtin’......” when he thrust his cock hard along Ennis’s crack.......

It was time. “Fingers first?”

“No fuck no, just do it already, please.........”

“’K, here I come..........” Jack stretched Ennis open as best he could and squeezed a generous dollop of lube on his pink, puckered flesh. When he fit his cock into the spot, he could feel the heat right through the latex, and when he rubbed it around, Ennis pushed back hard, groaning. “Feel good?”

“Oh yeah, Jack..... come on.... stick it in.........”

Jack upped the pressure, heard Ennis’s low moan as his body gave way and Jack slid in, slow but sure, into the smoothest, tightest channel he’d ever fucked, and he knew immediately he’d been right to worry - no way he was going to last long buried hilt deep in this white-hot squeeze box.

“Jesus Christ, Ennis, this is too fuckin’ good to stand....” Jack gasped, fingers digging into Ennis’s hips, trying to go slow but already rocking steady to the beat in his cock that was driving him beyond his control.

“Uhhhh! Fuck yeah, I know.......”

“Is it good for you?”

“Yeah....” Jack fucked him harder...... Ennis dropped his chest onto the floor and grunted, “Oh fuck yeah.......” That was it, and Jack let loose, pounding him hard, the sound of their bodies slapping together loud in the tent, along with Ennis’s moans and Jack’s curses, “Shit Ennis.... oh shit, I’m there...... I’m comin'..... Jeeeeeesuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!” Jack rode it out, driving into Ennis through it all, till he felt like he was going to black out from the pleasure, and then when he didn’t think he could take another sensation, Ennis came too, his ass clamping down like a fist on Jack’s spasming cock as his orgasm slammed through him.

When they were done, they fell apart on the sleeping bags, panting like they’d raced up the mountain. Jack ditched the condom and Ennis doused the lamp, and they lay side by side, still hot, still panting. Jack felt sleep stealing in before his heart even settled, and he knew he would be out in a matter of seconds. He wrapped his fingers around Ennis’s wrist, drew his hand up and pressed a kiss on the back of it. “That was good.”

Ennis pulled their hands over and returned the kiss. Jack barely heard his sleepy reply. “Mmm hmmm.... you bet.” They drifted back to sleep, still connected, to the gentle, easy patter of the rain.

au, goin' fishin', sienata

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