Yuletide letter

Oct 11, 2013 21:13

Dear Yuletide writer,

I'm so happy to be here at another Yuletide, and I hope my prompts provide good fodder for you.

I'm not about the grimdark angst of doom. I don't mind darkness, but please avoid crushing my soul to tiny bits, killing off everyone tragically, serving up zombies or an apocalypse or "and then they lived a very long time in heart-wrenching emotional/physical agony and it was beautiful." I don't object to sex in the least, but I also don't need kink meme fodder.

I'm really into small moments that reveal big things. I also love the trope of friends being the family you find for yourself. That sort of "thick or thin, we're for each other" stuff really gets me, especially when it's earned through a lot of trouble and hard times.

So my first request, for the Locke Lamora universe, really fits into that sort of thing. The Gentlemen Bastards are definitely good examples of that found family trope. I'm interested in two characters that have mostly been comic relief up until this point (I've read all three books in case if you want to use Republic of Thieves in your story - that's fine), namely Calo and Galdo Ganza. I suspect they may come in for more character development eventually, but at this moment they're loveable rogues who are mostly in the story for fart jokes. Which is, you know, fine. But I choose to believe they have some inner life to speak of, and I'd love to see a story about them that explores it.

My second request is for the Jason Bourne movies. Marie is one of my favorite characters, especially since she's relatively rare in an action movie. She's flawed, heroic in believable ways, is a little bit shady herself but is also tough, resourceful, and joyful. I would love a story centered on her, whether it be her life before Jason, fix-it fic so that she's not killed off (still makes me mad), their relationship whether it be sex, arguing about where to go next, her learning to survive on her own (even more than she already does).

My third request is for Kage Baker's Company books. There's so much room in her world, and we haven't really seen much that takes place in Italy, which happens to be one of my favorite locations for stories! So if you could tell me a story of the Company, using any established character or an OC if you wish, set in perhaps a papal court of the Renaissance, or maybe Lorenzo de Medici's court, or among the painters, sculptors, etc...I'd eat it up with a spoon.

My fourth request is for a story featuring one of the awesome ladies populating the Dresden Files world. I'm a Murphy/Marcone shipper, but you don't have to follow me down that particular hole if you don't feel like it. But a character piece or adventure for one of the women, whether it's Murphy, Gard, Molly, or whomever, would be fantastic.

Thanks, and Happy Yuletiding!

This entry was originally posted at http://sienamystic.dreamwidth.org/451982.html. Please comment here or there using OpenID.


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