pear pimples for hairy fishnuts

Nov 06, 2012 22:18

Voted early this morning, in a church lobby with a fun crew of eccentric neighbors to look at.

Watched My Family and Other Animals, after stumbling across it randomly at the library. Had meant to read the book and still will, probably. This was a Masterpiece Theater production with Imelda Staunton, and while I enjoyed it, it was so episodic and unconnected that it didn't build up any momentum and I never really got deeply engrossed. I could see little flickers where depth could have occurred, but beyond a sentence or two, it never went there.

Reading The Diamond Age, and enjoying it very much so far. I stalled out on Quicksilver, mostly because dear jesus, descriptions of vivisection are not things I can cope with right now.

Had a dream about guarding a Hopper portrait that was also a Grant Wood portrait but looked more like a Gilbert Stuart portrait (I blame the fact that I've been assisting with my museum's forthcoming paintings catalogue) and let somebody pick it up and it fell and collapsed like a Jacob's Ladder.

And it sounds like they're calling this for Obama...well, at least some news orgs are, while others are still being more cautious.

life, work, movies, books

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