Dojo picnic yay

Sep 02, 2012 18:34

Went to the annual dojo picnic yesterday, and once again I got to tear around on an ATV, shoot at clay pigeons with a 12 gauge (my stats were not, shall we say, very good, but I pulverized a couple of them), and hang out with fun people. There was a very cute baby that was more than happy to be passed around to various people for cuddling, great food, and in general a lot of hanging around a very pretty location. Too dry for fireworks, alas, but for a person who grew up in suburban areas, the smell of hay, the breeze as you pick up a bit of speed on your ATV, the hot sun, the dragonflies everywhere, the woodpeckers in the trees. and the gigantic turtles that live in the pond are all wonderful.

I have a possibly strange fantasy of having a nice piece of property like that, big enough for a couple of houses, but not so big that it's unmanageable, where I could live in one house and my sister in the other. (I'm not even positive she shares it to the same extent I do.) Someplace where we could have, I don't know, a few animals. Sheep, goats, a tiny donkey. A horse, if we're feeling ambitious. Someplace where you can watch storms roll through, where you can have big family get-togethers (I don't even have all that much family in this country), where kids can run around and scream and try to catch frogs that are always faster than they are.

I mean, I won't ever say that the idea of leaving everything behind and running away from it all isn't also the occasional potent fantasy. But recently, this one has taken a strong hold.

Anyway, today I tried a new recipe that came out well - orange glazed chicken breasts - so I'm feeling very pleased with myself.

bits of happiness, aikido, brainscrapings, food, foolishness

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