The ish and the sitch

Jul 22, 2012 21:37

No word from any of the therapists I emailed, which leads me to think that the email thingy on the website was not perhaps working as it should. Either that, or everybody is booked up. Will call an office directly tomorrow and see what happens. I really don't like walking through the grocery store and getting a chestburster of anxiety telling me that I have no worth and that I have failed to do anything right in my entire life and no doubt I will be fired in the most public and humiliating way tomorrow. Or the next day. Or maybe the day I finally relax and feel safe, it'll happen then, so maybe I should avoid feeling safe.

Once upon a time, this shit wasn't an issue. I miss those days.

The only hitch is that we have a vacation scheduled the first couple weeks of August (DC and then Hatteras for some beach time, thank god and my mom who is funding the trip). So if I'm unable to get a visit in quickly, or it'll have to wait until mid-August.

Watching the Penn State shit although I don't know that I have anything much to say about it. I mostly just hope it serves as a good warning to other universities. I was never a rabid believer of the Paterno Mythos, being there for grad school only and never attending a game, but the idea that Our School Was Doing Things Right was one I participated in, even if it was mostly as a sort of faint smugness. Watching alumni who graduated the year I was born twist themselves into knots trying to push the world back into some semblance of what they knew is boggling, especially since some of them are descending into full-blown conspiracy theory mode. It's all rather pitiful and disturbing.

So mostly I'm just listening to a bunch of podcasts and reading a bunch of Heyers and writing fluffy little stories and trying to imagine a time when it won't be suffocatingly hot outside anymore. We've gotten to the gym a little more frequently, and have plans to go to the lake next weekend. I guest-hosted the bookclub at work and that went well. Things progress.

tatteredcloakuponastick, flailing, whitenights, behindthescenes, work

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