The Dance of the Phone Plan

Feb 24, 2012 08:32

So, we don't use our phones all that often. I tend to be faster about responding to email, my lengthy chats with friends and family don't occur on a regular basis (and I can Skype my sister for those long talks if I need to), and basically the thirty-five bucks a month I spend on my Verizon plan seems like a waste when I look at the fact that they give me 500 minutes and I've used, this month, all of 65 minutes. Bemo is in the same boat - actually, he uses his phone even less. We've been out of contract with Verizon for a couple of years now, so there's no penalty for leaving.
Since we're looking to save money, not spend more, upgrading to a smart phone (which I'd actually use all the time, but not as a phone!) won't be happening - anyway, I have my Touch and the netbook for portable web access which gets me by. So when March arrives, I've decided to switch our phones over to a prepaid company called Page Plus. Their program called The Twelve is twelve bucks a month, and gets me 250 minutes, 250 texts, 10 MB of data (which I'll never use because I have a dumb phone). They use the Verizon network, so my coverage shouldn't change.

I was turned on to Page Plus via Metafilter, where it's been discussed very positively, but I'd love to hear from any of you guys if you use them and find them decent or terrible.

Also, I expect the whole transition process to be about as fun as putting leeches on my eyeballs, but it's gotta be done. That fifty bucks we'd save can be put to so many more useful things than pissing it away on phone minutes we never use.

Also also, I went back to aikido for the first time after falling down the stairs and bruising my bum, so of course sensei started things off with rolls and slap-falls and break-falls. I think I now have a bruise on my bruise.

behindthescenes, oh well that's not so bad then

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