The journey (image heavy)

May 12, 2011 13:06

The trip to DC was relatively smooth - no travel delays, and good service on Delta (nicer planes than I've seen recently, too) a nice time with my family and friends, some visiting time for favorite museums, an interesting and productive work conference, and a very comfortable, fun to drive, so-ugly-it's-cute Nissan Cube as our rental car (despite my overwhelming anger at how much the rental actually cost).

The conference was hosted at the National Archives:

The weather in DC was amazingly perfect. The dreaded heat and humidity of summer hadn't yet moved in, so it was blue skies and seventies. Great for walking around.

Now that I'm working at a modern and contemporary American art museum, my knowledge has been growing slowly but steadily. Since I'm in charge of a Roxy Paine in my museum's sculpture garden, I took the opportunity to snap a photo of the newish one at the National Gallery's sculpture garden. It's titled Graft.

Ditto Claes Oldenburg - his Typewriter Eraser has been a favorite for a while, because it looks like it's going somewhere.

I did get to the Botanic Gardens, where I am always very happy, and which is the delight of amateur photographers because every where you turn, there's a beautiful photo just waiting for you to snap it.
I'm fond of the orchids.

Went to Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival with my sister and Bemo, and met up with apis_mellifera there for a very fun morning. There were sheep...

And alpacas...

And busy border collies...

And a man in orange knit shorts and timberlands.

I scanned a lot of family photos:

And I ducked across the street to take a few photos of the church where Bemo and I were married.

It was a short, but very good trip.

work, it was like this then, photos, traveling, history, washington dc, sheep

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