High as a kite, I just might stop to check you out

Nov 07, 2010 20:22

A weekend of laundry, cleaning the house, hanging some artwork in a not-really-artistic-but-at-least-it's-up-off-the-floor fashion, and watching football.

Fighting some anxiety issues of my own. Have had the late-night worry sessions a couple of times, where my brain is full of gnats. Bemo up and down - v. rocky this morning, inexplicably (his word) much better right now. We've had some long conversations about things, and all I can really do is continue to let him know that I love him, support him, and am not leaving him, and, of course, help him make his doctor's appointments and not forget his meds. We've sent off the disability paperwork, which of course means that we're just at the beginning of that whole process.

Anyway. There was a library visit, too. Have acquired DVDs of Two Fat Ladies, some Carlin, Cosby, and Monty Python for Bemo, and a Samantha Brown Passport to Europe DVD - Bemo thinks she's cute, and I like her shows, despite my usual aversion to perkiness. Also checked out giant Alton Brown-authored book on Good Eats: The Early Years, Helen MacInnes's The Venetian Affair (it's been ages since I read any of her books, hope I like this one), Palladian Days: Finding a New Life in A Venetian Country House (a reread, and a charming and pleasant take on the "Move to Italy, Renovate A House genre), and a couple of travel guides, on the grounds that I like reading them even though it'll make me itchy for travel. Ok. More itchy for travel.

whitenights, books

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