oh, the weather outside is...quite nice, actually

Jan 06, 2008 14:41

The weather has turned much milder, much to my relief. A lot of the giant ice floes that line the streets and the parking lots are starting to crack and break up, although they're remarkably persistent. After a couple of days in the forties, you'd think they'd be gone by now, but they linger on.

Bemo and I are still hanging in there as well. Aside from a few occasions of mental exhaustion, and some frustration here and there, most of what is stressing me right now doesn't have much to do with the move (I really have to stop myself from capitalizing that into the more ominous The Move) and more with everyday life and the anxiety it breeds. I'm about to start the paperwork for the new health insurance, and without even knowing much about it at the moment (the orientation is on Monday, where I will be Made Informed) my stomach seems determined to convince me that we are doomed, doomed I tell you, doomed! This is how I normally approach any official form, which makes tax time even more entertaining than it should be, really. And other worries also intrude. Essentially, I'm concerned a lot about money, which isn't much of a change of pace from Virginia. It's just that I have a new location to fret in.

We've also bitten down on the bullet and gotten real cell phones (my stomach on finding out that you have to sign a two-year contract: "DOOMED!") so we can talk with most of our friends and family for free. And the man with the internet is scheduled to bring it to our apartment on the tenth, so that'll be fantastic.

So far, aside from all the new workplace adjustments, the job is continuing to be just fine, although I am convinced I come accross as a loony to most of my new co-workers. You know that problem where your brain decides that you'll say something funny and witty, but your mouth doesn't quite get the memo correctly and instead you stay something that sounds really idiotic and everybody around you smiles and nods and thinks, "Poor thing, she's really not all there, is she?" I feel like I've been doing that a lot. Oh, well. In time they'll get to know me and discover the sad fact that I really am a loon, and then things will settle down.

Gnarf. Instead of money, guns, and liquor, I need people to send me Target gift cards, gummi cola bottles, and that cheese I love so much that I can't get here.

Lord, you know what's also coming up on the tenth, besides the man with the internet? It's me and the Bemo's tenth anniversary. WOW.

whitenights, life, work

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