Feb 22, 2006 00:06
I think Roseanne was a good show, damnit!
"But Ruby," you'll surely say, "it was crass and her voice is sooooo annoying! They fought a lot and had mouthy kids! Would you want mouthy kids?! Heavens-to-betsy, no!"
Well, they looked significantly more like families I knew than the Full House, Family Matters, Step-by-Step variety. I don't watch much TV anymore, so instead of a critics eye, I shall approach from a value-of-the-lesson stand point base on what I learned and remember from each.
So, guess what I remember from Full House- Stephanie drove Joey's car through the kitchen wall- oh no! Joey and Jessie have to change Michelle's diaper and have no idea how- oh no! Stephanie has chicken-pox on the day a ballerina is visiting her school and Jessie wants to wear a leather tuxedo with a cobra on the back to his wedding! Mayhem! But mayhem that can be wrapped up by a two minute "heart-to-heart", or a touching correction of the misunderstanding.
Guess what I remember from Roseanne- Lots of issues Full House wouldn't touch with a 20' pole, but issues that honestly and truely affected the rural, and largely working class families I knew. I remember one time Roseanne had to come to terms with the fact that her daughter Becky was having sex with her boyfriend. She didn't approve- there's a lot of risks Becky didn't understand, besides which she's still so young. She had to consider whether helping Becky with birth control options was approving her behavior, or not helping was failing to protect her daughter from things she didn't have the experiance to protect herself from. She opted to let her sister give Becky the birth control talk; thusly relasing her daughter to make her own decisions, but still protecting her in the areas she needed guidance. It was really touching. And, I don't know about you guys, but this was an issue amongst the older children of the families I knew growing up and those were the attitudes and concerns involved. Even if you didn't have this experiance- did you have a Full House one? I think that resolving tough issues with love and acceptance is much more the family I'd like to be in than a Full House like family where someone like D.J. or Stephanie dealing with birth control issues... Well, golly, I don't even know what would happen! I think they might just have to ignore it... unless one of them got pregnant- talk about a Full House! Ha!