I fucking love this town

Jan 18, 2008 12:21

First, some background. Silver Sprocket is a record label in Sacramento, that has signed pretty much all of the greatest punk bands in the area. Phenomenauts, Secretions, Big D and the Kids Table, etc. The owner lives one block from my apartment. Casa de Chaos, a local punk crash house / venue is a whopping two blocks in the other direction. /Background

So at ten o'clock last night, I get a knock on my door, where I greet three of the Silver Sprocket boys and one girlfriend. They come in and check out my place, the first time they've ever been inside, and it's thoroughly destroyed. I mean, this place is completely trashed, to the point of shame. And they tell me it's absolutely perfect for what they're planning, but they need supplies and they'll be back in one hour, don't go to sleep. They didn't actually tell me what they were gonna do, just told me that it would epic. I was not disappointed.

At around 11:30 I hear pounding on my door and yelling outside. I answer, and the original foursome plus two more come running into my apartment and shut the door. One of the newbies is a seventeen year old skinny white kid wearing nothing but boxers, with eggs taped all over his body with packaging tape, who makes straight for my shower.

We continue to hear yelling and screaming outside, and the Sprocket boys tell me about how they may or may not have told one of my neighbors to shove it up his ass while they went running around the complex at near midnight raising a ruckus. They tell me this neighbor is drunk as balls and has a baseball bat, and is currently yelling at the gang of roughly twenty punks who are still running around the complex. They then proceed to describe my apartment manager in epic detail.

Luckily for me, I live on the other side of the building from my manager, so he didn't see the six of them run into my apartment and has no idea I was involved. He probably didn't even notice that some were missing with all the other guys out there. I want to say kids, but one of them was 38 year old Mickey Rat from the Secretions.

So, here's what I managed to piece together. Danny (the kid with the eggs), for his initiation into Silver Sprocket, had to run from Casa de Chaos to my apartment, and find a shower, whilst a rather large gang of the Pyrate Punx chased after him, trying to smash the eggs. Apparently, he didn't put together that he was supposed to find my shower.

So imagine you're a bouncer, at a bar that had a shooting just a couple months ago. And a skinny little half-naked white kid with eggs all over his body comes running up to you screaming, "I need a shower! I need a shower!" and then takes off running as a gang of nearly thirty punks comes chasing after him.

He makes it to my building, and starts running up the stairs, with everyone chasing him and yelling and screaming. The apartment manager comes out, with a baseball bat, and starts screaming back drunkenly. The six run past him, while the rest scatter, and end up in the back of the building, where all the parking is. Mind you, that area is fenced off, there's only one entrance. Twenty punks, faced with a fat, drunk, old guy with a baseball bat all jumped the eight-foot-high fence at the same time.

The rest of us stayed in my apartment, where I was given a jar of olives (wtf?) and a cd. I haven't listened to the cd yet, but the olives were tasty. After about ten minutes the coast was clear, and they snuck out. Another twenty after that and feeling antsy, I went for a walk, where I ran into them again, Danny now fully clothed and sporting his shiny new Silver Sprocket jacket. Ended up hanging out at Avi's (proprietor of Silver Sprocket) until two in the morning, drinking juice and watching a giraffe fuck a donkey.

I fucking love this town.
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