Jan 17, 2009 05:31
It can be funny when I see a comment why I won't use Chinese when I can read and type.
Actually it brings to mind how should i categorize myself.
That's a pretty good question - because I feel that I'm someone without roots at time. There's nothing to be particularly proud of myself, my heritage or family line - or at least I don't feel that way, I have my parents and that's about it. Neither do I wish that I am somebody else.
I just live my life the way i want to and be the person I want to be.
There's always some kind of stigma attached to any one place. And it exists all over the world. People always have pre-conceived stereotypes. What I experienced so far revealed that stereotypes can be quite true but as always there are always exceptions (just as I like to think I'm an exception).
The people I've met so far proved that people are just people. We are all different and yet very similar - Human nature is the same everywhere despite all our different quirks. It is just easier and thus we tend to measure others according to what we are.
I've a very limited life-span (is that not the case for all of us?) - in this limited life-span, I just hope that I have as little regrets as possible before it ends.