Mar 03, 2008 14:20
So this is the last week before my spring break starts (which consists of two glorious weeks, with the chance of losing some dignity but hopefully not too much) and I'm currently writing an english paper which I plan on finishing quite soon then I'm going to tackle my religion midterm (a takehome for the whole week! woot!) and then on Thursday I have my euro midterm. For some reason I'm associating the word doom with this midterm, and I'm not sure why but I'd like to think that this sort of doom is the good kind. You know, the kind that Gir sings while buzzing down to earth with Zim. And singing it for some hideous amount of time.
And now I'm procrastinating about this paper. Unacceptable! I go back to work now, and then more work! I always feel happier when I'm productive. Yay!