Weekends at Brock

Oct 04, 2006 17:00

Here's an account of a university weekend.

I've had a pretty wild weekend. It started on Friday night, Matt, Kyle, Zach, Ainsley and I were sitting around the house when we decided it was time for some serious drinking. All the above minus Ainsley are my housemates, my other housemate Brandon was called away for a family funeral.

Last weekend I tried getting drunk on beer alone which really didn't do it for me. I've found that shots are the best way to go, it does the trick fast and effective. Having made this clear that I wanted to start the night out with shots my housemate Kyle said, "Ok, how about some Fireball then." I of course said... "Well I don't know... yes." Fireball is whiskey strongly flavoured with cinnamon, I hate cinnamon. I don't even like cinnamon gum.

So, I did four shots of Fireball in 15 minutes. Needless to say I was very very intoxicated, and this is where the next part of the story comes in. According to my housemates everytime I drink, as I approach becoming drunk my face turns bright red, this lead one of my housemates to comment, "Steven, you're turning all rosey buddy." More on this later.

We then proceeded to play our favourite house game, ultimate drinking frisbee. Allow me to explain the rules. The game is played in our kitchen/common area using a fabric frisbee, this prevents the injuries and damage that might result from a heavier plastic one. A person throws the frisbee with the objective of hitting another person. This person must, repeat, must catch the frisbee with one hand. Now the more specific rules, if the frisbee comes near you and you don't act, you drink, if it comes near you and you don't catch it you drink, if it hits you and you don't catch it you drink, it you use both hands you drink and if you do a bad throw ( i.e. too short, to no one) you drink. A drink is typically defined as a sip/drink from whatever you're drinking typically beer.

My housemates like to get me drunk, they just do because I'm the least experienced drinker and usually the most entertaining drunk. So, I was commonly bombarded with two frisbees simultaneously guaranteeing I'd have to drink at least once, unless I caught both. We then turned on music, and I proceeded to sing along. My housemate Zach likes rap, raggae, and R&B, the rest of us don't, but he put some on, mix CD of Aisnley's you see. It was a gangster song, so Zach turns to me and says, "Steve I want you to go like this." He then proceeded to make his hand into the gun and wave it in a circular motion in front of his chest while singing the song. I then said, "I don't think so." Then got up and did it. I started to lip-synch and sing the Tupac song. Zach and Matt were laughing their damn asses off as I made a fool of myself, but I'm not embarrassed.

Matt was determined to find women, so after consuming sufficient social lubricant we headed out into the courts to look for parties. It was a lame night, but we found a big crowd of people doing exactly what we were. Matt is somewhat of a ladies' man I suppose because everytime he goes out he finds at least one girl, usually three, but not in a gross way.

The girls suggested we hang out at their house in Court 1, 106 (their house). We happily yelled, fuck ya. The problem is that EVERYONE behind us in that crowd decided to tag along. We didn't notice until too late and tried to prevent them from getting in. Kyle tried to slam the door but someone, I saw, stuck in his arm. We then bolted upstairs to their room and hung out. RLS, a form of security, Residence Life Services, showed up and started assigning demerit points because the house was packed. We, like the brave men we are, hid in the girls' room waiting for it to all blow over.

We sat there probably for about an hour, but I really had to go to the washroom, so I took a risk and went out, a security guy saw me but didn't say anything. Kyle then went to the washroom followed by Matt. We were losing our buzz and I wanted another beer so I asked that we return to our house. We gathered up as many girls as we could and all brought them back home. Most of them were from Court 1.

There were a number of people, 12 probably and we all hung out in the double bedroom listening to music and just talking. Eventually people started to leave, the girls were unhappy about the gender ratio. Around 2 o'clock things were slowing down and Matt was taking the girls back home. I was getting really tired and so Kyle and I called it a night and crashed. Matt, according to himself showed up a little while later and was disappointed we called it a night.

Saturday night was better/worse, depending on your prospective. I started the night with a beer and Kraft Diner. My housemate Zach usually has liquor and said, "Steve, it's time you do some serious tequila." I initially refused, but because of what normally happens I inclined eventually. To make up for my wimping out before I did the shot without the customary lemon and salt. This is a bold move. Tequila is gross. Enough said. My stomach was very mad at me for a little while. We were playing ultimate drinking frisbee. Now the night before a nickname was invented for me, Rosie, and I hated it. That night I minded much less, it must of been the tequila. I then went outside to get some air.

Our neighbours Steph, and Lisa came over and Lisa's sister Liz was visiting so they were playing the frisbee game too. Our neighbours are cool. The jerk thing is that one of their housemates took some of Zach's tequila with only barely asking. The game was intense and we love to introduce new people to our game, mainly because we're so proud of it. We were picking on Steph pretty badly with it.

Not long after this point I had recovered from my tequila and was drinking again, as part of the game only, of course. We did this for probably at least an hour. Then some members of the house blazed, not my thing so I just drank more.

Post-blazing Matt and I decided to head out, Kyle, Liz, Steph and Lisa decided to stay behind. Matt was out on patrol again since the girls we met the night before had gone out of town. We made our way around but the courts were dead, I suppose this is because A. people are going home more now, B. it's colder, much colder, and C. people now have work to do.

We did run into two cool people at Court 2 though, I live in Court 10 by the way. Their names were Troy and Lauren. We were just talking about the poor party climate and just general stuff, introduction stuff. Matt though really had to go to the washroom and just asked right out if he could use their house. Matt went in and I was still outside the door, eventually I was invited inside. Inside the kitchen they were doing shots of Canadian Club. Bad, but not tequila bad. Many people were very pleased to hear I had my first shot of tequila that night, for whatever reason.

There we met Amanda and Kailey (spelling?) Matt and I were anxious to find a bigger party, with more women to be honest. We invited them along, but we just said we would get beer and head back. We never did return, and for that I feel bad. It's not nice to take two shots of someone's Canadian Club and just walk away. I have remorse for that moment, however it was important for the rest of the night so maybe in hindsight I don't.

We were walking behind Court 11 when we heard, "Hey, look boys!" We then turned back and talked through the screen to a bunch of people and were invited in, I grabbed two beers from home and returned to the house, 1111. We met there Jordi, Christine, Lyndsay, Ashley, and others. We brought much of our house, Kyle, Lisa and Steph into the house with us. Kyle, Matt and I were able to convince them that coming to our house was a good plan.

So, Lyndsay, Ashley and Christine all came over to hang out. This is what we call, excellent work. We taught them the frisbee game and at the same time my nickname Rosie really came into effect. It was nuts, I was Rosie. Discussion of getting it tatooed on me began. Nuts, I know. The girls loved the nickname though.

We hung out, drank, played, listened to music, took photos, which I'm getting developed ASAP. We then headed out into the courts again. We didn't find much, except in Court 5... I think. Ashley then showed us to her house. I was introduced to her housemate who she knew from home. Ashley was under the impression that I looked just like their friend Darcy, this was added onto my nicknames, she said I even acted like him. It was very odd. Rosie became an increasingly important component of my night. At some point, before we left I believe I was asked*, not really, to have two shots of vodka, which I did.

When we got back Ashley ended up in a bad situation in a worse house so we had to work hard to extricate her. We hung out again for a little while back at our place. We exchanged some contact information, and promised each other to do it again some time. We, being myself, Ashley, Lyndsay, Kyle, Christine, walked everyone home. We got nice hugs out of the deal. Those girls are really nice and I hope we meet them again.

I wrote on their white boards, "Remember Rosie - 1008" My house. Matt, Kyle and I returned home. Matt was still ready to go so after hanging out and listening to music for a while we went for a walk, in the course of which Matt fought a plant and threw a quarter at extreme distance and velocity at someone's window. The noise was incredible, we ran for it.

By the time we got back and went to bed it was 5 am.

Yesterday, Sunday night was much simpler, we just stayed in and watched movies, sober, with Steph, Lisa, Liz, Dan and our house.

All and all pretty typical stuff.
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