Things I am learning

Mar 25, 2015 19:51

1. My spirit was abused by spirits early in life, continuing for all but the last few hours.

2. I am a unicorn, who was wrapped in a dragon, who was wrapped in a giant enigma, who was caught in a conspiracy of Spirit to keep humankind alive at the Will of the Universe. I am finally fully unwrapped, but I am not yet fully revealed.

3. I am a unicorn. Everything else is illusion.

4. We are not horses. We're more like deer. We are not deer.

5. Wow I have been fighting hard to get away from dominant people.

6. I might not need to. I AM a dominant person...

7. I hate myself. And you can't help if you don't respect me.

8. I have the power to stop hurting.

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teachings, tua'ei, spirits, otherkin, magic

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