Here, have a
Genderbread Person (version 3, without watermarks). Use as desired to help you understand yourself or others. Please remember that compassion, understanding, and acceptance are better than ignorance, confusion and hatred. Mere difference is not evil.
I'm going to say how I identify (with a couple of extra details), because at the moment I feel the need to get a bit TMI about it. Be careful looking under the following cut, because shocking knowledge lies within.
1. Species: Human otherkin, Dragon type. Nature: Belief (dragon soul rather than mind only; neuro-atypical as a result)
2. Gender identity: Twin-gender/genderqueer (female inner gender, low body-gender rejection at this time)
3. Gender expression: Androgynous, Feminine male
4. Physical sex: Male
5. Sexual attraction (physical attraction): Strongly prefers females (~Kinsey 1.5 based on body sex to body sex preference)
6. Romantic attraction (mental/emotional attraction): Low biromantic, prefers females. Minimal experience outside of cissexual gender norms, little to no flirting experience (thanks to social deprivation, aka "the outcast problem" which geeks often experience in youth)
7. Attraction spread: Polysexual, polyromantic; okay with physical monogamy at this time.
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