Aug 08, 2013 19:06
I was talking something out on the way to dinner today, and finally hit on a satisfying answer to the idea of "will to power".
It exists, but is false.
"Will to power" is based on the idea that all accomplishment is sourced from control and ownership.
The truth is that accomplishment is based on the galvanization of energies (or resources, or people) around a source. When a given source is aligned a certain way, that which is around it aligns in pattern around it. The more powerful the source, the more powerful the alignment.
If your power is based in Will -- that is to say, in control -- then any accomplishment which does not come from Will primarily will be incomprehensible to you.
Yes, many leaders have accomplished things by directing their followers. But leaders must work hard not only at control of others, but at the actual labor which they desire to achieve. There is no point in controlling those who will not be controlled by you. They will struggle against you, and their destruction will gain you little aid. Domination does not achieve greatness, only engorgement! When the dominator falls, all becomes chaos as the engorgement falls apart and the pieces war for their own space and resources.
The will to power is derived from incomplete observations of alignment around a source. It comes from a particular cultural and personal way of understanding the world.
When you have someone or something which has power, there will be a collection of related things around it: followers which align with it, detractors which align against it. This exactly parallels the alignment of energy fields of differing strength and polarity, and the materials within them or generating them. There is no need to control a competing energy field in order to align it with you; simply become more focused on your true goals, and eject the energies that would cause harm.
Remember the principles of flow, which tell us that something flowing through a space that shrinks (or is more focused, a related but different concept) will accelerate (because the energy of a fluid in motion equals velocity times volume), and that flow through an open space filled with fluid will draw other fluid along with it (due to pressure, turbulence, friction, and surface tension). Add polarity and the interpenetration of energy fields, and you have the vast majority of physics in motion, including the physics of spiritual energies (which can include peoples, intents, and emotions, if these things are allowed to "color" their environments).
Will to power admits only that by control and ownership can anything be accomplished.
The Tao says that the best way to accomplish anything is to allow it to Be.
Ask me, and my answer will probably have to do with flow. Not "go with the flow", but encourage and join with the flow you desire best. Everything else will align itself for you. If you encourage a competing flow, but do not join with it, you will discourage your own unless it can go around. If you join with a competing flow, but do not encourage it, it will peter out or go another way, and take you with it.
If you would bring a flow down a certain path, then open that flow into it, and slowly encourage the growth of the flow in that direction. Tiny streams may become mighty rivers in this way.
What do you encourage, and what are you joined with?