Who: Toph and Okita Souji aka: Fujiwara Soujirou (and roommates if they want to jump in)
What: Trying to find each other
When: After
this conversationWhere: The apartments
Summary: Toph was welcomed to Sieben by "Fujiwara Soujirou" via voice-activated computer and was directed to the apartments, where she should be able to find this new friend
Rating: PG
After walking parallel to the ocean as instructed for about ten minutes, Toph could feel the vibrations beneath her feet change and indicate people and structures dead ahead. Well, "structures" was an overstatement, if you asked her. She was sure she could knock one of the tents apart in one blow, and the whole apartment building would probably only take three at most. Toph resolved then and there to sleep outside as usual.
It wasn't until she was in spitting distance of the building that it occurred to her that she had no idea which of the little apartments housed the guy she'd talked to. She figured she could open up the box thing again and send him a message, but that would be a lot less efficient than just yelling.