Jun 28, 2005 14:03
Here’s the deal Matt. If you want to do this study abroad, there will be a loan for the tuition and nothing else. You will sell your car prior to going if you do not have 6 months of car payments saved ahead of time. You will not take a loan out for cash/spending money so you best stop spending money where you need not --- that means essentials only nothing else. You already have shown immaturity by spending money on a nonessential item (cd player for your car) knowing that you had this trip coming up. I will not co-sign a loan for that purpose. You need to start thinking sensibly --- never, ever put yourself in debt for pleasure --- once you start that there is never getting out of it. You will end up driving yourself into bankruptcy someday living with that attitude. You have had 4 opportunities to enjoy Germany and surrounding countries while traveling with the German club and on your visits with Andy and family.
There is no further discussion on this matter. If you choose to do otherwise, then you need to find a loan in your name only.
Love Mom (and here she had a frown face)