A Bitchin' Weekend

Aug 01, 2005 17:48

Well, lets see, where to begin. My old best bud Bryan called me up last week and wondered if i'd like to go to Windsor with him, and I was like "sure, might as well." But then it really hit me, that me and 5 friends were going to have the opportunity to get totally smashed at clubs and pubs. I don't really feel like typing to much, so I'll give the skinny story.

Friday we left after every one was out of work and drove as fast as we could to Detroit (avg of about 100 mph, bonneville's are great). Then we got stuck in traffic and customs for like an hour. By the way, customs guys are real assholes. WOW, very rarely do you meet people as shitty as those customs jerk-offs. And then, we were in Canada! (I know, Canada isn't that exciting, but i really wanted to drink legally for once) We stopped by the casino to exchange money and loose a few bucks, and then headed to this one club (the name eludes me). Thats where the crazy drinking began. Josh and I started off with jager bombs and labatt's, then i was chugging pitchers with bryan. After some quality time there we went to the "O". And this place was a club, in the stereotypical sense. Loud techno, lots of dancing, and even more drinking. Shot some really bad pool (hey i was extremely drunk, thats ok, right?).

We wrapped up the night by going to Patrick O'somethings Pub. A classic loud and rowdy pub. We stopped on the way there and got some expensive Cuban Cigar's. So the night cap was sitting drinking Guinness and smokin' cubans. Ahhhh, that was truly the height of the evening. I grabbed another pitcher and long island before they stopped serving, and that might have been too much. By the time I made it to the hotel (via taxi, we were being responsible) I couldnt press the elevator button. Then i hit my bed and passed out, and by passed out i mean... whoa.

In the end, I had a great little vacation with lots of intoxication, good company, and absent of fights or brushes with the law. Ahh, maybe Canada isn't so bad after all... what am i saying, besides the drinking age, Canada sucks!

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