kay so this is like the third time ive updated TODAY alone because josh and tj have to go all the way up to crestview before they pick me and katie up SO im naturally mad about this cus I WANT OUT..UGH. if anyone wants to pick me up that would be great. cus im mad at josh for taking forever and the mall isnt open all friggin day and if paul comes home early like he plans then im still going to be here and hes not going to want me to leave so WTF. i miss jkal i saw her this morning but ITS BEEN TO LONG! she was really upset about waiting another day for her rims and us asian chicks have 0 patience. ne who all u fuckers from west side need to start commenting on my shizz cus i feel so detached from my roots. i wish i was an oscar meyer weiner.
gotta luv the waffle house -diesal