Check out the new Grampa icon. I am officially 'Babba' now. Lala and I are buddies. We had supper at her house last night and chillaxed in her room. I think she's going to have a sleepover here Easter night.
In other news, we have a new dog named "Bear". We got him used. He is a 6 year old shepherd/collie mix who essentially looks like a german shepherd on steroids needing a haircut. He is a really sweet guy, and has had a tough time adjusting. He belonged to a nonogenarian who developed Alzheimer's and had to go into a nursing home. The times I disliked the most with Lily were when she had gastro-enteritis. All those worries about dropping everything and being available to walk the dog at a moment's notice - the dog not eating, etc. So of course, Bear starts right out on this kick. And of course it's Holy Week to boot. And on top of it all, the Trustees took a nutty because I didn't ask for permission - although I kind of thought I had that covered asking to have Lily. Some people just can't get enough of making you plead.
Easter is this Sunday, and I feel bad that I can't get new Easter dresses for everybody. I always enjoy that. But when you think of it, part of the reason we can't afford it is the amount we have given in mission and particularly to the Mazahua people. Read aobut it
here. Well, lots of work to do. Adios.