(no subject)

Sep 17, 2007 15:46

yesterday i was stopped by the police for the first time.

Sunday, 6:30ish pm: Eastern Ave. and Rushbrooke. The minivan parked on the side of the road with emergency blinkers on waiting for a girl i was driving to kingston. i look in the rear view to see a cruiser and the cop sort of indicating that i should move along. i put on my seat belt and drive the car one metre ahead and make a right into a lane way. the cruiser pulls up, blocks the laneway and puts on the siren. i am now officially pulled over. the girl at this point is walking towards the car, looking confused. the female officer comes to my window and asks whose car it is. so i say "my dad's". when she asks for paperwork i pull out a bunch of photocopies my dad left and hand her my licence and paper since my G licence hadn't arrived yet. suspicious looking already. the girl starts to pack the car and the cops go to run the paperwork. turns out that when they ran my plate it appeared that the sticker hadn't been changed since 1989 - that usually means the car is stolen - and when i started to tell them it wasn't my car and gave photocopies of things it didn't help my case. thankfully, they ran it again. turns out there was a computer glitch.

Sunday 9:43 pm, highway 401 - driving with a van full of queen's students, eastbound on the highway. noticed cruiser ahead. slowed down to a 120km pace, same as the cruiser. in an attempt to pass a truck i also passed the cruiser. change lanes to the right lane. the cruiser changes lanes to the right lane behind me and puts on the sirens. i pull over. i had been "clocked" at 124km, ticket is $120, my light over the licence plate is out, ticket $105. licence and registration. the photocopies come out again. cop asks where the pink card is. me: what pink card? this all my dad gave me. i can call him if you'd like. cop: where does he live? me: oakville: and if you call him will he produce the pink card right now? me: well, no. cop: then that won't help.

cop disappears forever. returns with a bargain. the only ticket i get is for the insurance card "failure to present insurance card" or something of that nature - $65. furthermore, the light over my plate was NOT out.

one sunday, two run ins. now i have to go to court in napanee for this damn thing.

regarding the speeding. if i get busted for speeding i want to actually be speeding... not simply getting busted for passing a cruiser (going the pace he was - the only reason i passed is because he had to slow down behind the truck).

i'd like to thank sil and tigger for the new jacket. i am looking forward to making myself at home in it this fall.

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