This week is spring break for me. Basically...a week to be isolated. woo...
I've only found 1 person who'd really like to go to the 30 Seconds to Mars show, so I dunno if I'm even going. I'd really like a few more people..cause the more I can get, the more fun it'll be.
I'm starting to have problems with depression. I'd love to see a doctor about it, but that'd involve my parents (cause no way in hell do I have money to pay for anything). So I'm just going to sit here and try to deal with it all. At least a week away from school will give me time to try and sort out all my issues, because I'm not ready to tell my parents anything. I still feel like they wouldn't handle it well..
Hardly anyone talks to me anymore, and I know it's not like I can't pick up the phone or even IM someone. I just don't really feel like making the effort anymore, especially when I know the outcome. I know it's not like they mean it, but it still stings when they fuck up. I'm kind of tired of being called Christine, or a girl. I've tried putting it past them...because I know it's not like they're trying to hurt me, it's just like a bad habit to break..But I'm just getting fucking sick and tired of it always happening. There's only like...two of my friends that don't mess up. I love them for that.
Meanwhile..I got to stop finding perverts online. No, I will not show you nude pics. No, I don't want to meet up and fuck. And no, I do not 'do it in the vag.'
Sure, I want sex. Just not with people like that. I want someone who understands me, and is willing to just ignore the front of me completely. I want someone to treat me like a man, because that's what I like.
I realize this has been one big rant. What can you expect?
On Ragnarok, I'm nearing level 99. I have a cute pet, a dancing racoon.
I need to get a good party going for that game. Whee, I'm a nerd. Oh well, being one makes me happy. Anime, computers, Japan, role-playing, online gaming, omg <3