Charlotte wasn't paying much attention to me the other day. Caillou is much more interesting. I kept asking what she wanted for dinner and was being blanked. So I said, "I'm going to tell daddy that you want squid, brussel sprouts, and slimy worms." She glanced my way and said, "What kind of brussel sprouts?"
Been so busy focusing on Jessica's milestones (pulling Sadie's tail, pulling herself up to a standing position, etc) that I'm neglecting Charlotte's - she can point and click with a mouse quite competently - well enough to play the Sesame Street games that we have by herself (YAY!). She can also now pump her legs so that she can swing without being pushed. I found this out yesterday - grandmom and daddy already knew and no one thought to tell me. Hmph! But she's really very good at it. So proud. :-) Oh, she strapped herself partway into her carseat the other day - snapped the top straps together, and said, "Are you proud of me now?" Always, babe. :-)
She yelled "Dude!" at a car in front of us the other day. I asked her what she said and she didn't want to repeat it. I told her it wasn't a bad word, and asked why she'd yelled it. "Because they weren't getting out of our way." Mommy wants a cookie for having this be the word Charlotte yells at bad drivers.
Taught her to yell "Watch the road!" at me when I look at her in the rearview mirror in the hopes that she would yell it at daddy. It was a fun game on the way to the library but I don't think it stuck...unlike the bible story of Joseph and his many-colored coat. Last time we went to church they had Sunday school and we learned the first part of his story, but it ended on a cliffhanger, with the teacher saying, "His brothers did something so bad to him, I can't even tell you about it." It was supposed to be for the next week, but our attendance is not nearly that regular. So we looked him up in her children's bible and read the rest of his story. Really haven't talked about it much at all since. Driving to church yesterday she started talking about Joseph and asking if he had sisters and why his brothers were so naughty. Then she asked, "Why did they put goat's blood on his coat?" Took me a minute, but yeah, to make his father think he was dead - she really stores this stuff away in a very meticulous and somewhat frightening way...
Have not gotten to a pumpkin patch this year - thought last year it would be nice to make it a yearly thing, but we've had at least 3 weekends of rainy Saturdays. Bah! Got a pumpkin at Wegman's - have no desire to go back to that store (rather crowded and pricey), but it's a nice pumpkin. She painted it and we may still do some carving...
Charlotte likes to play a game where she says, "I'm Mommy, you're Charlotte." This is cute until she wants to do something like play with my phone in an inappropriate place (i.e. the playground) or use adult scissors. Then I say no and she says, "I'm allowed, I'M THE MOMMY." It deteriorates rapidly from there...
Last few mornings she's come into my room in her underwear only, as Mommy (no, that is not my outfit of choice...), and ordered me out of my bed and into hers (well, my flower bed, as I'm Charlotte). And she calls me "Char." No one that I know of calls her "Char."
And some pics. :-)